Feed Fritzing Blog [copy] https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml has loading error: A feed could not be found at `https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml`; the status code is `200` and content-type is `text/html`
Feed SparkFun Electronics [copy] http://www.sparkfun.com/feeds/news has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 405
Стеклянные ёлочные игрушки своими руками. Техника fusing
Существует несколько вариантов работы с цветным художественным стеклом, ярким пятном среди которых выделяется фьюзинг (fusing) — сплавление плоских элементов в печи. Техника изначально витражная, чудо как хороша для некрупных декоративно-прикладных вещиц вообще: шкатулки, панно, часы, бижутерия, значки, сувениры, светильники, изразцы и декоры для отделки, для интерьера — воткнутые в цветочный горшок, поставленные и подвешенные. Всё, на что хватит фантазии. Работы естественным образом получаются уютно-очаровательные, с мягкими округлыми очертаниями оплавленных деталей, наводящими на мысли о карамельках, шакер-чуреках с какао, и кресле-качалке, с клетчатым пледом и котом на коленях. Читать дальше →
Please refrain from installing WASP-OS on new PineTimes for the moment
In July 2024, PineStore notified the community that a small hardware change was needed on the PineTime: the current flash chip was end of life (EoL) and needed to be replaced by a new one.
Intel's $475 million error: the silicon behind the Pentium division bug
In 1993, Intel released the high-performance Pentium processor, the start of the long-running Pentium line. The Pentium had many improvements over the previous processor, the Intel 486, including a faster floating-point division algorithm. A year later, Professor Nicely, a number theory professor, was researching reciprocals of twin prime numbers when he noticed a problem: his Pentium sometimes generated the wrong result when performing floating-point division. Intel considered this "an extremely minor technical problem", but much to Intel's surprise, the bug became a large media story. After weeks of criticism, mockery, and bad publicity, Intel agreed to replace everyone's faulty Pentium chips, costing the company $475 million.
In this...
Новогодняя гирлянда любителя транспорта
Приветствую всех!
Знаю, ёлочные гирлянды на ардуино и адресных светодиодах уже порядком поднадоели. Время исправить это положение. Как насчёт собрать гирлянду, которая мигает так, как не может ни одна другая, да ещё и без использования микроконтроллеров и даже микросхем логики?
Давным-давно мне достался такой девайс как кодовый путевой трансмиттер с железной дороги. Я долго думал, что интересного с ним сделать, и вот наконец догадался до самого необычного его применения, какое можно придумать.
Итак, в сегодняшней статье запустим эту железку и посмотрим на неё в работе. Заодно заставим её коммутировать кое-что совершенно нетрадиционное для такого оборудования и посмотрим, что же из этого выйдет. Традиционно...
2-bit Magnitude Comparator
Some time ago I designed Logic Lab, a circuit that provides 12 logic gates that you can interconnect with patch cables to experiment with a variety of different logic circuits:
Logic Lab allows you to experiment with logic gates by interconnecting them with patch cables.
In fact I've designed two versions: the original one, Logic Lab, used a single AVR128DA48 microcontroller to emulate the logic gates, and the second one, Logic Lab 1G, used discrete logic gate ICs.
To accompany the articles I presented a series of logic problems that you could solve with Logic Lab. One of the ideas I had for a problem was a...
Free Stuff - September 2024
The belated September 2024 recipient for the Great Scott Gadgets Free Stuff Program is Allen Paschel of Orlando, Florida in the United States. Allen is the president of The Maker Effect Foundation which exists to inspire everyone to create! The Maker Effect Foundation is a non-profit organization that runs a maker space and teaches classes at schools, libraries, and events. The maker space has CNC machines, laser etcher/cutters, 3D Printers, vacuum forming equipment, welding tools, electronic tools, and other arts tools. Soon they will be able to add software-defined radio to that list of tools as we are sending them...
Free Stuff - August 2024
The belated August 2024 recipient for the Great Scott Gadgets Free Stuff Program is Murat Sever! Murat teaches a Communication Systems Laboratory course at TOBB ETU University, Ankara, Turkey. In his labs, Murat uses two HackRFs to transmit signals of interest, which students receive via RTL-SDRs. Murat has requested an Opera Cake so his students can study Pseudo Doppler direction finding and to teach students about antenna switching and spectrum monitoring. For more information about Murat’s course, his and his students’ research projects, and their outreach programs, please check out their website (https://ele361l.github.io/).
This application for the Free Stuff program stood...
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We’re excited to introduce a brand-new feature for CAN Members: an enhanced RSS feed that offers an easy and convinient way to stay connected with all the latest on CAN.
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CreativeApplications.Net is a community supported website. If you enjoy content on CAN, please become a member.Free Stuff - July 2024
The belated July 2024 recipient for the Great Scott Gadgets Free Stuff Program is Scott Carter from Ontario, Canada! Scott operates a SETI station that uses a radio telescope he built using software defined radio. He says the radio telescope has been in operation for six and a half years, and it needs a receiver upgrade to allow scanning of frequencies above 2 GHz. We are sending Scott a HackRF One so he can make his radio telescope upgrade! Scott’s long-term goal is to make his SETI station accessible remotely for educational purposes so more folks can learn about radio...
Dual band 2.4G and 5G external antenna with UF.L connector now is available at olimex.com
We got in stock dual band WiFi antenna ANTENNA-WIFI-BT-2.4G-5G-U.FL which can be used with Espressif new WiFi6 Dual Band ESP32-C5 modules and chips. The antenna features are: It makes perfect addition to the existing ANTENNA-WIFI-BT-U.FL and the GSM, NB-IoT, LoRa antenna we have ANTENNA-GSM-U-FL