Feed Cem TEZCAN [copy] https://yewtu.be/feed/channel/UCGcjzzEmGThh35eeDkvydeg has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403
Feed Centsational Style [copy] https://centsationalstyle.com/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 500
Feed designboom magazine [copy] http://shalnoff.co.uk/rss.php?rss=designboom has loading error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to shalnoff.co.uk port 80: No route to host
Полицейский, трагедия языка
Фильм Корнелиу Порумбойю "Полицейский, [имя] прилагательное" можно было бы сопроводить тем же определением, которое классик театра абсурда Эжен Ионеско дал своей пьесе "Лысая певица" – "трагедия языка". Более того, метод Порумбойю здесь в некоторой степени близок к методу Ионеско.
Расследование полицейским дела подростка, подозреваемого в сбыте гашиша, изображается со всей въедливостью и обстоятельностью, характерной для новой румынской волны. Долгие бессобытийные сцены наблюдения за подозреваемым, детальная передача атмосферы полицейского управления производят то же впечатление неспешности и подлинности, которое отличало "Смерть господина Лазареску" и "4 месяца, 3 недели и 2 дня". Однако, в фильме Порумбойю драматический пафос снижает общая бессмысленность происходящего. Полицейское...
Kinote.infoКаждый из нас сорняк
Утром показали "Сорняки" (Les Herbes folles) Алена Рене. Очень жалко, что картину Рене сделали фильмом закрытия фестиваля "Завтра", и потому увидеть его есть возможность только у прессы и гостей. "Сорняки" очень похожи на его прошлые "Сердца" - фильм в точности о том же, и постоянные актеры Рене Андре Дюссолье и Сабина Азема разыгрывают почти ту же историю. И тем не менее: у меня очень сложные отношения с "Сердцами", мне кажется, что там что-то фатально не срослось (притом, что во Франции он был грандиозно принят; Cahiers du cinema его вообще поставили лучшим фильмом года). А сделанные схожим образом "Сорняки" фантастическим образом...
Kinote.infoData Source: Aggregated Data on commercial/retail information
Here is another interesting data source: Aggdata
dataorigami.blogspot.co.ukRelease of Data Origami Library 0.006
The Data Origami Library for Blender 2.49a has been updated. This library's goal is to reduce the number of lines of python required to generate a useful image, animation, or game in Blender.
In this release, the image class now supports the following methods:
Orienting the camera by using a lookAt and lookFrom locationAdding Blocks defined by opposing cornersAdding Cylinders defined by end locationsAdding SpheresAdding Text boxesAdding Lighting which can be aimed at a targetAdding Tubes which can be used to draw arbitrary curves from either piecewise lines or smooth curves.The library can be downloaded here. To install, simply unzip...
dataorigami.blogspot.co.ukScript to find the type of each object in a Blender scene
This examples applies to Blender 2.49 and some earlier versions.
import Blender from Blender import * scn = Scene.GetCurrent() obs = scn.objects for ob in obs: print 'Object named %s has type %s' % (ob.name,ob.type)dataorigami.blogspot.co.uk
Portable Blender and Notepad++
One of the problems I have in my system is that I use PythonXY. PythonXY works best when it is the only registered Python on a system. The problem arises when installing Blender and PythonXY and both require different versions of Python. Blender Portable offers a way to solve this problem. Blender Portable installs a local copy of Python which can be different from any other Python installations on a machine. This portable version of Blender can still be used with Notepad++. To setup Notepad++, follow the instructions here, but use the following string to call Blender. "C:\PortableApps\BlenderPortable\blenderportable.exe" -P "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
dataorigami.blogspot.co.ukRelease of Data Origami Library 0.002
The Data Origami Library has been updated. The image class now supports the following objects: Orienting the camera by using a lookAt and lookFrom location Blocks defined by opposing corners Cylinders defined by end locations Spheres Text boxes
An issue with shading was corrected. The library now generates shadows correctly.
The library can be downloaded here.
The image above was generated by the test script here.
dataorigami.blogspot.co.ukInteresting Dataset: BLS Time Use Survey
This is an interesting dataset which explains how people use their time in the US: BLS Time Use Survey.
dataorigami.blogspot.co.ukThe 0.001 Release of the Data Origami Library for Blender
This is a shell that will be expended in the future. It simplifies the problem of setting up an image in Blender. Other postings will build examples on top of this module.
For now, it is recommended to place this file in C:\tmp. I'll use that location in example scripts. A future release will have a more permanent recommended home.
Download Code for the Origami Library 0.001.
This file can be placed arbitrarily. Any script which imports this module must reference it by the full path because of how Blender handles files.
__doc__ = """
Rev 0.001
This module setups up a scene for...
Posted at 2009-08-03 05:50:00 | Art_and_design | read on
Using Blender Subsurfaces from Python
In Blender, one of the ways to improve the smoothness of an object is to use subsurfaces. Programatically, this is done by changing the modifiers attached to an object. In this example, a UVsphere is modified by changing the number of rings and segments. The same basic UVsphere is also modified by adding subsurface levels. From looking at the table, it is possible to see how increasing subsurface level and rings/segments both get a smooth looking sphere.
To get this example to run, you will need to copy the Data Origami Library rev 0.001 to C:\tmp (or modify the path to...