Inside a ferroelectric RAM chip
Ferroelectric memory (FRAM) is an interesting storage technique that stores bits in a special "ferroelectric" material. Ferroelectric memory is nonvolatile like flash memory, able to hold its data for decades. But, unlike flash, ferroelectric memory can write data rapidly. Moreover, FRAM is much more durable than flash and can be be written trillions of times. With these advantages, you might wonder why FRAM isn't more popular. The problem is that FRAM is much more expensive than flash, so it is only used in niche applications.
Die of the Ramtron FM24C64 FRAM chip. (Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.)This post takes a...
Ken Shirriff's blogДомашняя мастерская. Большое рабочее место с вытяжным зонтом
Речь идёт о реорганизации в домашней деревенской лаборатории-мастерской — изначально универсальном помещении для некрупного технического творчества. Пристрастившись к стеклодувному делу, переоборудовал для огневых работ на горелке имевшийся небольшой стол с вытяжкой для крупной пайки — сборки витражей в технике Тиффани, электромонтажных дел. Чуть освоившись, понятным образом наткнулся на естественные ограничения: мало места, опасно иметь дело с более или менее крупными огнями, много света из окна заставляет работать преимущественно вечером, негде поставить баллоны. Принято волевое решение оборудовать специальное рабочее место с учётом обнаруженных недостатков. Читать дальше →
Soil Monitoring for Conservation, Australia
Measuring changing in soil properties can indicate soil and ecosystem health, informing conservation land management practises.
The post Soil Monitoring for Conservation, Australia first appeared on Freaklabs.
The post Soil Monitoring for Conservation, Australia appeared first on Freaklabs.
FreakLabs Blog NewsGPS and Septage Level Monitoring on Trucks, Egypt
In almost all of the projects we work on, the technology problem is the easiest one to solve.
The post GPS and Septage Level Monitoring on Trucks, Egypt first appeared on Freaklabs.
The post GPS and Septage Level Monitoring on Trucks, Egypt appeared first on Freaklabs.
FreakLabs Blog NewsMonitoring Water Levels in Rice Paddy Fields, Philippines
By reducing the amount of water used in growing, and monitoring the water levels in the rice paddy fields, irrigation can be managed more efficiently and predictably.
The post Monitoring Water Levels in Rice Paddy Fields, Philippines first appeared on Freaklabs.
The post Monitoring Water Levels in Rice Paddy Fields, Philippines appeared first on Freaklabs.
FreakLabs Blog NewsWater Monitoring & Workshops, The Himalayas
Ownership over a system is critical as many projects fail after the implementors leave.
The post Water Monitoring & Workshops, The Himalayas first appeared on Freaklabs.
The post Water Monitoring & Workshops, The Himalayas appeared first on Freaklabs.
FreakLabs Blog NewsTest-2
Test except
The post Test-2 first appeared on Freaklabs.
The post Test-2 appeared first on Freaklabs.
FreakLabs Blog NewsCynthion is Here!
We’re pleased to announce that Cynthion is now available for purchase from our authorized resellers! This FPGA-based hardware platform from Great Scott Gadgets powered by LUNA gateware is your new go-to tool for discovering and exploring the world of USB at a fraction of the cost of existing High Speed USB analyzers. Whether you’re experienced with USB or you’re new and learning about it, Cynthion is a great multipurpose addition to your hardware experimentation toolbox! We’ve also developed custom open-source software tools that work with Cynthion:
Packetry is a fast and intuitive open-source software that allows you to capture and analyze...
Great Scott GadgetsИзготовление лампы с цоколем упрощённого типа
Речь идёт об опытах и экспериментах на пути к изготовлению более или менее практических электровакуумных приборов (ЭВП) в домашней лаборатории-мастерской. Стоит сказать: выводы ЭВП — спай разнородных материалов, сложное и ответственное место любой лампы. Говоря о конструкции, классическая гребешковая ножка [1] покрывает все любительские потребности, однако её изготовление, тем более из легкоплавкого стекла платиновой группы, склонного к растрескиванию из-за высокого температурного коэффициента расширения (ТКР) — многостадийный процесс, имеющий несколько длительных промежуточных отжигов. Что удлиняет и удорожает изготовление. Однако ряд приборов можно сделать с упрощённым цоколем и проволочными выводами, быстрее, удобнее, дешевле. Читать дальше →
Omega2S Modules Now TELEC Certified for Use in Japan
Onion’s global expansion continues, and we’re excited to announce that the Omega2S surface mount modules have received TELEC certification for use in Japan. This means that our customers can now easily integrate Omega2S modules into their connected devices and launch products in the Japanese market with full regulatory compliance.
Our mission is to offer computing and connectivity solutions that streamline the development of connected devices. The TELEC certification for the Omega2S is an important milestone in helping our customers build, certify, and launch IoT products in the Japanese market with minimized development cycles and reduced regulatory hurdles.
TELEC Certification
The Omega2S (OM-O2S) and...