Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
Volksradio: Just Radio!
Every now and then you come to the comfortable situation that a client requests you to develop a technology for a product of theirs, which you can then use in your own productions as well. This happened to us in the last couple of months, when we had to create an audio streaming engine for iOS for an internet radio app. Now the internet radio app market on iOS is completely saturated. We browsed through the AppStore and found hundreds of radio station apps, half of them for free, half of them between 1 and 3 EUR. We downloaded quite...
Dr. Mickey Lauer9buntu - Ubuntu с лицом Plan 9
Наткнулся на ISO-образ 9buntu, распространяемый широко известными в узких кругах ребятами с сайта suckless.org. Как можете видеть скриншот очень красноречив, однако что это, 9vx или доработанный p9p пока не ясно.
Sid Player Pro goes iOS4
Despite being incredibly busy due to some nightmare project I have been working on for the last couple of months, I have managed to sneak in some time to update Sid Player Pro to catch up with iOS4's idea of multitasking. Sid Player Pro now can stream audio in the background, just as the iPod application can. Moreover, it also reacts to headphone remote control events and hooks itself with the lock and multimedia dock screen controls. The update has been submitted to Apple for review and we expect it to be posted very soon. Once Sid Player Pro appears...
Dr. Mickey LauerUneasiness
I'm feeling not too well these days. Some extremely bad performing contract projects combined with a general feeling of restlessness, uneasiness, and aimlessness are haunting me. I have the strong desire to simplify my life, getting rid of a couple of construction sites, and focusing more deeply, but on fewer things. I'm afraid this also means my involvement in various open source projects is at stake. I need to find some answers, soon.
Dr. Mickey LauerTracing the baseband
I was reading an article on planetbeing's blog the other day and my curiosity was tipped off when he mentioned that phones don't run only one operating system but two. I decided to learn a bit how all this really works and here are my notes with the source code associated. Hopefully it will help someone investigating the subject..
SoC 2010
Нынешний Summer of Code вновь обошел Inferno стороной, в то время как Plan 9 удостоился шести проектов. В этом году:
1. Venkatesh Srinivas работает над улучшением менеджера виртуальной памяти.
2. Jesus Galan совершенствует 9vx.
3. John David работает над реализацией Heirarchical Patch Dynamics (9hpd).
4. Michael Block собирается внедрить систему методов ввода (для ввода не-английских символов).
5. Andre Guenther планирует портировать DrawTerm на IPhone.
6. Per Odlund портирует Plan 9 на arm-платформу IGEPv2.
PS Результаты первого проекта скорее всего будут портированы в Inferno.
PPS Подробности.
Plan 9 LiveUSB
Для тех кто хочет иметь Plan 9 всегда под рукой Balwinder S Dheeman подготовил LiveUSB на базе FreeBSD 7.2, xorg-minimal и 9vx. Образ содержит в себе все приложения, исходные коды и документацию из последнего plan9.iso. Размер архива: 262 Мб.
infernoJoining twitter
I'm now on twitter. I'll use that for small status updates on the various open source related work I'm doing, e.g. FSO, OpenEmbedded, Vala, and the like. Follow me, if you can :)
Dr. Mickey Lauer2010-03-28
We learned today that the previous wmii maintainer, who wasn't actively involved since 2007, Denis Grelich, died on 2010-03-12. We thank him for his work. Rest in peace.
suckless.org news