Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
The suckless.org project is now hosted on a new server. All inactive accounts have been removed during the relocation.
Please note that the new ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7DBXcYScmsxbv7rMJUJoJsY5peOrngD4QagiXX6MiQU.
suckless.org news2017-03-28
surf now uses webkit2 by default. The webkit1 version is kept in the surf-webkit1 branch. The “master” branch doesn't exist anymore, HEAD is now surf-webkit2, so be sure to rebase your local master commits onto surf-webkit1.
suckless.org newsHandling a queue of GPU jobs without resource manager
How do you execute a lot of experiments? Say you want to run as many as you can over night, and examine them in the morning. The jobs can be executed one after the other as easy as bash run.sh when you have a single GPU. The problems arise when you have more than one so you want to make sure each GPU is occupied with exactly one task at a time and new task is fetched when previous finished. A clever way would be to use a resource manager such as slurm or torque, but I leave it as...
Dmitry UlyanovAudio texture synthesis and style transfer
We present an extension of texture synthesis and style transfer method of Leon Gatys et al. for audio. We have developed the same code for three frameworks (well, it is cold in Moscow), choose your favorite:
Torch TensorFlow ... Dmitry UlyanovComment on Curve extraction plugin by caiyong
Hello,I meet the same problem.I also want to port it into C++.Your description above is very useful to me. Thank you!
curiosity vs ignorance