Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
Registrations are now open for slcon6 that will be held in Bad Liebenzell, Germany on 2019-10-(04-06).
The CfP for interested participants will end on 2019-06-30.
suckless.org newsThe story of the Rendition Vérité 1000
The story of how the Rendition v1000 briefly rule the Quake world.
Fabien Sanglard2019-03-30
There is now a patch overview tool to have a quick overview of the patch status list. This list is generated each day from the sites repository. It checks if patches apply cleanly in a normal patching manner. Of course it does not check patch combinations.
Hacking patches guidelines Tool source-codePlease keep the patches tidy and maintain or remove them.
suckless.org newsComment on Curve extraction plugin by nicola
In reply to caiyong.
you port it in C++?
curiosity vs ignoranceConverting Wordpress Posts To Lektor
As promised in the previous installment of this column, I have now imported all my old blog posts from Wordpress. In case you have a similar requirement, here's how I did it: 1. Export your posts from Wordpress. Login to your Wordpress administration interface and then click on Tools → Export Data. Select the content you want to export (blog posts in my case) and you will download an XML file with all your content. Here's a fragment for a single post without comments: <item> <title>A New Blog</title> <link>https://archive.vanille.de/a-new-blog/</link> <pubDate>Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:31:04 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator><![CDATA[mickey]]></dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.vanille-media.de/site/?p=5</guid> <description></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[Finally,...
Dr. Mickey LauerFrom Wordpress To Lektor
Every five to six years I'm revamping my website. This is now the 4th major incarnation. I created my first website somewhere in the 1990s – back then handcoded with HTML. I vaguely remember that it looked better than many others due my use of Bitstream's TrueDoc Technology. In 1999, I started my blog. It was a custom development based on the web framework Spyce, something like PHP using Python. To create a new article, I just copied a new file to a dedicated directory and it appeared after reloading the page. Some years later facilities like HTML-based live editing...
Dr. Mickey LauerThe state of things in 2019
And another year has passed – pretty quickly, if you ask me. Last year was the chance to close a bunch of construction sites and start new ones. Next to releasing two iOS apps that I have been working on for a while, I finally got the time to publish another book. I'm currently working on a round of updates to my existing apps in the iOS AppStore, namely Surveillance Pro, OBD2 Expert, and Wellenreiter. With regard to closed source platforms, I'm pretty excited about what's likely to happen this year. In autumn, Apple will release a way to compile...
Dr. Mickey LauerIntroducing ThinMusic
At the peak of my career as a software engineer, I spent most of my free time either playing video games or reading books about engineering management. These days, my day job is mostly engineering management, and so I find myself carving out play-time to write some code (and of course, still indulge in video games).
A result of that play-time over this winter break merits broader sharing than my usual side project. I built a web player for Apple Music, called ThinMusic, to scratch two of my itches:
As an Apple Music subscriber, I had no way to play... Anant Narayanan