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Chaos Communication Camp
I decided to visit this years Chaos Communication Camp near Berlin for a day or two. The mission is to have a coding sprint there that brings the first OM-2007.2 snapshot image up to par. I expect to meet some OpenMoko and OpenEmbedded guys there, i.e. Zecke, Stefan Schmidt, Alphaone, Shoragan, LaF0rge, Roh, ...
Back from Guadec
This year's GUADEC was very successful for me. I managed to attend to a lot of talks while still having time to perform several business meetings. OpenMoko Inc. was present in the GMAE meeting and contributed a tiny little bit to the discussions. GUADEC refreshed and renewed my interest and confidence in many GNOME technologies. My talk about OpenMoko and the Neo1973 was very well received and although I called for flames by stating that GTK+ as the heart technology of GNOME is also its weakest spot, I hardly received any. To the contrary -- other talks and discussions pointed...
Neo 1973 Phase 1 started
So we are finally selling hardware now. This is mainly a good thing, since we show that this device is not just vapourware. However, it is also a dangerous thing, since now people may buy this under false assumptions, being very disappointed because it (more or less) doesn't do anything... To put this very straight: THIS IS NOT AN END-USER DEVICE! IT IS NOT (YET) THE IPHONE KILLER WE ALL ARE WAITING FOR! THIS IS A DEVELOPER RELEASE, NOT A CONSUMER PRODUCT! It may not even always be a phone -- since thanks to all the distracting hoops and roadblockers...
EFL related work
While I was in Taipei, I revamped the EFL recipes in OpenEmbedded. They suffered from a lot of hackish workarounds that were necessary while EFL didn't use pkgconfig and had some bogus autotools usage. This is now history and so we have a more or less clean set of EFL recipes in OpenEmbedded! Related to that, I have recently been contacted by Andreas 'audifahrer' Volz who's going to work with me on refreshing my C++ bindings to the EFL that have unfortunately been stalled since many months. As a first step towards more visibility, we agreed to autoconfigize them (they...
Back to DefCon 4
We finally switched off the dryer on saturday and almost all of my stuff has been placed into the office again. I'm now fully operational again and can (finally) continue to work as usual *phew*
Back from first Taipei visit
Much like the first week, the 2nd week in Taipei really rushed by and I'm finding myself being back in Frankfurt for until the 15th of July, when I'm leaving to Birmingham to attend GUADEC. I will have a talk about OpenMoko there and I'm looking forward to meet a lot of GNOME guys and gals. My last day in Taipei was spiced by a whole day meeting with Carsten 'The Rasterman' Haitzler, whom we invited to visit us -- talking about graphics for next-generation user interfaces, the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, and more. Raster is a really nice and competent...
First week in Taipei
The first week in Taipei has passend and it's really good to be here. FIC is a great place to work in a comfortable and focused way. All people are very kind and helpful. The climate is pretty warm and the humidity is a bit higher than what I'm used to, but then again, I'm spending the lions share of every day in the FIC building anyway :D I didn't have much of a chance to see some sites in Taipei yet -- and I'm afraid that won't change next week, so I have to come back soon. Of course...
Back in Frankfurt/Main for a few days
Yesterday night I arrived back in Frankfurt/Main. I'm going to stay until Friday and then head over to Taipei for a while to work on OpenMoko. As usual, the LinuxTag was very exhausting, but fun and productive at the same time. My talk was very well received and a lot of people are looking forward to (finally) get this phone into their hands. If you want to get an idea about what I presented, feel free to read the slides and hear the speech (sorry, german language this time). Once again, I took the opportunity to get some Berlin spirit...
OpenMoko on LinuxTag 2007
Writing this on my way to the LinuxTag 2007 that takes place in Berlin this year. In roughly 9 hours, I'm going to give a talk about OpenMoko -- the backgrounds, vision, and status. Due to all the stress with moving, I couldn't prepare like usual, however I'm sure it'll be good enough to spread the word :-)
Connectivity Problems Sorted Out
After Alice and T-Com seemingly wanted to play ping-pong with me -- repeatedly sending me to each other -- I took the matter into my own hands and solved the problem. All DSL and Telephony problems are sorted out now. Don't ask how :D The cable-TV issue has also vanished. I'm now using a satellite dish and the best free (as in free speech) sat receiver money can buy -- a Dreambox 7025 -- thanks to the nice folks @ Dream Multimedia TV, especially one of their core developers Felix 'tmbinc' Domke. Did I already tell you it runs a...