Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
I have decided to release a free version of "SHMUP". It is called "SHMUP Lite" and the only limitation is that you can only play the first level for free, if you want to continue further you have to go for the full version.
All about the fillrate
I bought "Blade infinity" yesterday. The game is a lot of fun and has the ability to satisfy both people looking for instant fun and people wishing for a long game while collecting powerful items. At $5.99 it is a bargain, a must have not only for the gameplay but also for its graphical breakthrough, just like Rage HD.
The game programmer in me really wanted to understand the engine and I was especially interested to see the game being released as a universal binary running on iPhone 3GS, iPhone4 and iPad. Those three devices have different capabilities but down...
Towards the end of 2010
Howdy, dear reader! It's been a while on this blog, mainly due to the fact that many short status updates are better twittered than blogged. Then again, as promised / threatened in last year's installment of this column, I had to spend most of the time this year with iOS development, rather than with FOSS -- and it doesn't look like this will change much (you know, food and things...). Still I do care a lot about projects like OpenEmbedded, Vala, freesmartphone.org, and the like, so here's what has been going on this year: OpenEmbedded (www.openembedded.org) OE moved along quite...
Feeling good
Since the last post about my growing feeling of uneasiness, I did a couple of things to improve my mood. First, I stopped spending every free second of my spare time at the computer, writing FOSS. Second, I reactivated some other recreational interests I also have, but which have been pushed back for long by freesmartphone.org, OpenEmbedded, Vala, EFL, and the like. I bought a new car and spend more time singing, playing guitar, doing sports, and acting. In short, I'm really enjoying my life these days. This doesn't mean I will stop working on the aforementioned projects -- however,...
В Inferno интегрирован новый криптографический фреймворк
10 Августа Charles Forsyth добавил в репозиторий Inferno код модуля Crypt, который должен стать новым стандартным интерфейсом к крипто-функциям, используемым для аутентификации с использованием открытых/закрытых ключей. Коммит.
Charles Forsyth представит доклад о текущем состоянии Inferno на IWP9 2010
Charles Forsyth в качестве представителя компании Vita Nuova выступит на конференции IWP9 2010 с отчетом о текущем положении дел в компании и проектах, связанных с Inferno и языком Limbo. Источник.
Volksradio: Just Radio!
Every now and then you come to the comfortable situation that a client requests you to develop a technology for a product of theirs, which you can then use in your own productions as well. This happened to us in the last couple of months, when we had to create an audio streaming engine for iOS for an internet radio app. Now the internet radio app market on iOS is completely saturated. We browsed through the AppStore and found hundreds of radio station apps, half of them for free, half of them between 1 and 3 EUR. We downloaded quite...
9buntu - Ubuntu с лицом Plan 9
Наткнулся на ISO-образ 9buntu, распространяемый широко известными в узких кругах ребятами с сайта suckless.org. Как можете видеть скриншот очень красноречив, однако что это, 9vx или доработанный p9p пока не ясно.
Sid Player Pro goes iOS4
Despite being incredibly busy due to some nightmare project I have been working on for the last couple of months, I have managed to sneak in some time to update Sid Player Pro to catch up with iOS4's idea of multitasking. Sid Player Pro now can stream audio in the background, just as the iPod application can. Moreover, it also reacts to headphone remote control events and hooks itself with the lock and multimedia dock screen controls. The update has been submitted to Apple for review and we expect it to be posted very soon. Once Sid Player Pro appears...