Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
Polygon Codec
Back in the summer of 2009 I was working on a 3D engine that would power my next game: A 3D shoot'em up a la Ikaruga. The target was the very first iPhone (now called iPhone 2G). Despite being impressive on paper (600Mhz with dedicated GPU), the hardware had several issues and the lack of dedicated VRAM was a huge bottleneck.
Unwilling to settle for anything less than 60 frames per second I became obsessed with saving bandwidth and I tried different approach until an idea proved to be not so bad...but I had to dive in the four dimensionnal...
The Eagle Has Landed!
After letting us wait for a bit longer than scheduled (13 days), the hospital initiated the contractions. For the first couple of hours, everything went just perfect, but then the little one got stuck on the way and we had to resort to a cesarean section. Lara Marie Lauer was born 8th of June at 04:41 (AM) with 3460 gramms and 49 cm. Mummy was still on intensive care and so they gave her to me. I can't express the feelings I had in this very moment. I'm still kind of overwhelmed every time I see her. Thanks for all...
German Post on time!
And now for something completely different... while we are all waiting for my baby to arrive (who was scheduled for 25th of May), she just received her first greeting card – together with a personalized bib and a towel (with integrated hood – pretty fancy!) from my good friends at #openmoko-cdevel. Guys, seeing this card was very heartwarming – it means a lot to me that you share my anticipation, thanks a lot! And I'm 100% sure she will appreciate her gifts... now let's cross fingers it won't take much longer... waiting is the hardest part of it :) Yours,...
Anselm gave a talk about The 'suckless.org' universe at the LinuxTag 2011 conference in Berlin.
Plan9front - очередной форк plan9
Не так давно Cinap Lenrek, автор Linux-эмулятора linuxemu, SMB-сервера cifsd, newboot и кучи другого p9-софта, создал форк Plan 9 под названием plan9front.
Это не было бы столь интересно, если бы автор не успевал "строчить" по 10-20 коммитов ежедневно, а список изменений не был бы таким занимательным:
* 9load заменен на более развитый 9boot.
* Файловая система fossil заменена на cwfs.
* Язык программирования и среда исполнения языка Go.
* Новый файловый сервер kbdfs.
* Возможность установки с USB CD-ROM, USB HDD и USB FLASH.
* SMB-сервер cifsd в комплекте.
* Python и Mercurial.
* Эмулятор tty.
* Эмулятор /dev/realmode realemu, позволяющий активировать графический режим на ранее не поддерживаемых видео-картах.
* Драйвера...
dEngine Source Code Released
I've decided to release the source code of the OpenGS ES 1.0/2.0 renderers I wrote in the summer of 2009 nicknamed "dEngine". It was the first renderer to feature Shadow Mapping and Bump Mapping on iPhone at the time. Note that shadow mapping was achieve by packing the depth informations in a color texture but now you have access to GL_OES_depth_texture so you should be able to gain so more speed.
I consider it a good tutorial for OpenGL ES 2.0, you can read about bump-mapping and shadow-mapping with a fun example from a Doom 3 level.
The OpenGL ES 2.0...
Переезд Inferno Wiki
Перенес Inferno Wiki на новый адрес: inferno.execbit.ru. Больше никакой рекламы и зубодробительных доменов четвертого уровня. Все просто и логично.
В процессе переноса я исправил почти все статьи, так что теперь большинство из них вполне пригодны для чтения человеком. Некоторые статьи я еще не успел перенести, так что если кто-нибудь согласится помочь, это будет очень кстати. Так же добавил несколько новых статей. Приятного чтения/правки.
Интервью с Расом Коксом (Russ Cox)
Здесь можно прочитать перевод интервью с Расом Коксом, одним из разработчиков Plan 9, Inferno, Go и создателем Plan 9 from User Space.