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St.Augstin, Braunschweig, Berlin, Taipei
Although trying (really!) to cut down travelling, it's still a lot. Here's a sweeping swipe of what happened during the past couple of months and what's going to happen soon. Froscon FrOSCon took place at its usual place on the last weekend in August and it was a very well organized conference -- even better and more streamlined than the previous year was. I had the pleasure to listen to the Minix3 talk from Prof. Tanenbaum, which was very entertaining. Unfortunately my Openmoko talk was right after his one, so I had to take people kind of down to earth...
Dr. Mickey LauerGTK, ASU, FSO? TMTLA!
With the new Openmoko Framework initiative (as posted in previous installments of this column) facing its first milestone release (nothing but solid phone calls, so don't be disappointed. If you have no Openmoko device, check out the video in the same directory), we are now facing three different major software stacks for the Neo family (there are special-purpose variants, but I won't go into details here). As there is quite a chance that developers might be confused about that, I want to use this chance to sketch the big picture and answer some of the questions around the future of...
Dr. Mickey LauerMomentum
Momentum is something really strange! It's hardly predictable and you have to run to catch it before it goes away -- but when it's there, things are progressing like there's no tomorrow :-) There's a whole lot of momentum present in some of the projects I care about: OpenEmbedded OpenEmbedded will abandon monotone and move to git as its primary SCM. This will increase the wide-spread adoption of OE and attract new people. We will have more (shortlived) branches and merges will be easier. We will also revamp the commit policies a bit to introduce more stability to both the...
Dr. Mickey LauerState Machines -- Resistance is Futile
::: {.img-shadow} {width="200"} ::: So I'm rewriting the call handling in the Open Phone Daemon for the second time now. Cowardly, twice I tried to get away without implementing a full state machine, but it always came back to me. Telecommunication stuff is all about state machines, and honestly... they are your friend, not your enemy. Yet another reason to see that my third semester in university with all the finite state machines was not superflous :D
Dr. Mickey LauerChemistry
I seem incapable of working together with some people. I tried hard, but it just doesn't work. Everytime we discuss anything my blood pressure is raising and we run into arguments. I'm sick of that. Perhaps it's just me -- I'm afraid the older I get, the less patient I get. Then again, it could be just a matter of chemistry -- some pairs function, some not. Might be nature.
Dr. Mickey LauerFroscon Submission Deadline in 10 days
I just realized it's only 10 days until the Froscon call for papers has its deadline. You should better get started submitting a paper -- I will do the same. Looking forward to seeing you at one of germany's nicest OSS conferences!
Dr. Mickey LauerOpenmoko Framework Initiative
I have not been posting about my work for Openmoko for quite a while. There are multiple reasons for that, ask me privately if you want to know... Today though, I want to post about a high-priority project inside Openmoko, Inc. -- the new framework and middleware initiative which me and some guys will be working on. I have been talking privatly about this to people on conferences, but now it's going to be an official project. It's something we attempted to do when we started back in 2006, but for some reason, we did it the wrong way. We...
Dr. Mickey Lauer