Feed Andrej Karpathy / @karpathy [copy] http://shalnoff.co.uk/rss.php?rss=karpathy has loading error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to shalnoff.co.uk port 80: No route to host
Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st

The Beautiful Diablo 2 Resurrected machine

Fabien Sanglard
Posted at 2022-05-08 00:00:00 | Software | read on

USB Cheat Sheet

Fabien Sanglard
Posted at 2022-05-05 00:00:00 | Software | read on


Suckless now has a dark mode CSS style for its pages. Surf also now has support for dark mode.

suckless.org news
Posted at 2022-04-19 00:00:00 | Software | read on

Migrating a G Suite Legacy Account

Google recently announced that all “G Suite legacy free edition” (formerly known as “Google Apps”, currently known as “Google Workspace”) accounts will need to transition to their paid workspace plans starting July 1, 2022. Legacy users will get access to a discounted rate of $3/user/month, which will turn into $6/user/month starting July 2023 at the lowest tier.

I’m the sole user on my G Suite account, so the new rates aren’t a big issue per se. I’ve been getting a ton of value from this service for over a decade — namely the ability to use Gmail and other Google services but with my own custom...

Anant Narayanan
Posted at 2022-03-20 00:00:00 | Software | read on

qTox gets funded for a year

Thanks to a generous sponsor, qTox development gets founded for a year! Anthony Bilinski got funded to work full-time for a year and sphaerophoria part-time for a few months. You can read more about this in qTox’s blog post, where Anthony goes into detail on his plans for the year.

Tox Blog
Posted at 2022-03-10 21:17:47 | Software | read on

CPS-1: GFX system internals

Fabien Sanglard
Posted at 2022-02-20 00:00:00 | Software | read on

DigitalOcean Sponsorship

We would like to thank a cloud hosting company DigitalOcean for sponsoring the Tox project as part of their program for sponsoring open source projects.

DigitalOcean has been providing us with reliable cloud server infrastructure for free since July 2015 — for over 6 years now! They have been very generous with supporting us and a pleasure to work with. Just as an example, in 2018 we asked them for a seemingly outrageous $660 in credits as a budget for that year, which they provided us without any questions asked.

Most of our infrastructure is running on DigitalOcean, including our website, wiki,...

Tox Blog
Posted at 2022-02-17 05:15:26 | Software | read on


dmenu 5.1 released: download

suckless.org news
Posted at 2022-02-11 00:00:00 | Software | read on

Street Fighter 2: Sound System Internals

Fabien Sanglard
Posted at 2022-01-15 00:00:00 | Software | read on


dwm 6.3 released: download ii 1.9 released: download st 0.8.5 released: download svkbd 0.4.1 released: download

suckless.org news
Posted at 2022-01-07 00:00:00 | Software | read on
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Однажды китайский ученый Ли Хунь Янь обнаружил некоторую незначительную, однако, существенно отличающуюся от фона корреляцию между количеством псилоцибина потребляемого корфуцианскими медузами и характером передвижения оных по стенкам четырехсотлитровго шарообразного аквариума, установленного в лаборатории по случаю празднования сто второго полугодичного затмения от начала новой эры Сингулярного Прорыва. Недолго думая, Ли Хунь Янь приделал к щупальцам медуз источники излучения в видимом диапазоне но с разной длинной волны, заснял весь процесс шестью камерами с 48 часовой выдержкой, симметрично расставив последние вокруг сосуда, где резвились подопытные и через неделю собрал прелюбопытнейший материал, который, в свою очередь, лег в основу фундаментального труда, ныне известного, как теория полутретичных n-многообразий простой метрики Ли Хунь Янь, с которой (с некоторыми упрощениями и оговорками) я, по мере сил, постараюсь познакомить любопытного и пытливого читателя.
