Figure study by Sebastian Szmyd
I wanted to check how accurate I could get with the colours without eyedropping from the photo and to push the overall rendering as far as I can.
Photo reference by Grafit Studio
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Turtle & Nova - Episode 2 Cover by Daniele Turturici
Here's the link to read my webcomic:
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Here and there by Sebastian Szmyd
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Alien garbage service by Michael Black
Hi there! Here is an old unfinished work (2016).
The guys from 747 Studios and I worked on series of arts about the hardships of labor migrants. But due to urgent commercial projects, this work had to be postponed longer and longer until it was finally abandoned.
Here is a small part of what was in the plans.
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Before the rite by Sebastian Szmyd
Enchantress Kalina donning her attire for the Rite of the Weald. It was a dangerous ritual meant to appease the restless forest spirits after the period known as the Long Night. Many cultures of the eastern parts of the Rosen Imperium lived according to old traditions and revered old forest deities, although often in secrecy, as the Horned Ecclesia outlawed all old faiths.
Whether the danger during the ritual came from the local fauna coming to life or actual forest spirits is uncertain but the fact remains that many enchantresses would come back from the ritual scarred or maimed, some not...
Back with lunch by Daniele Turturici
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Street affairs by Daniele Turturici
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Kalina, Enchantress of the Masovian Weald by Sebastian Szmyd
My character sheet and some other homework assignments for a character design class at Syn Studio with Diana Van Damme
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Initial reference/mood board
Some quick sketches to analyse the shapes
Character thumbnails/silhouettes
Refined lineart with colour schemes
And here's the final character sheet :)
Welcome to Monad! by Daniele Turturici
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Turtle & Nova - webcomic by Daniele Turturici
The 1st episode of my webcomic is out now on Webtoon!
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