Feed Andrew Hockey [copy] https://rss.app/feeds/i19jmxk5fqHNydpT.xml has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403
The Real-Time Web: a new candidate for Web 3.0?
The news website ReadWriteWeb.com is (too) strongly promoting a concept called Real-Time Web as the new "promised land" for all those who still think that there is a Web 3.0 after Web 2.0.
It is funny because I have seen how they have been generating a lot of buzz with this term, and how those news have been consistently linked from other websites. You may want a take a look at these two articles:
Sorry Google, You Missed the Real-Time Web! (16/01/2009)
Introduction to the Real-Time Web (12/05/2009)
Now, let's look at this chart:
This is the evolution in terms of Google search of the...
One of the best presentations on the Internet of Things/Spimes
Singularity University Spime Design WorkshopView more documents from David Orban.
awareITThe Real Theorem Generator: a Context Free Grammar
I should probably document the real origin of the Theorem of the Day and Philosophy of the Day. Coffee and Henry David Thoreau are perhaps less involved than originally indicated.
The theorem generator was written by a good friend of mine, Matt Gline, as a project for CS51: Abstraction and Design in Computer Programming, which we took together as freshmen.
The assignment was to use LISP to implement a context free grammar — basically a set of rules for computer-generated mad libs. The subject was whatever we wanted. Good ones from past years include computer-generated mystery novellas, course-guide...
David Simmons-DuffinPhilosophy of the Day
New Philosophy
How it WorksYou press button. Button tell robot hand “pick up Henry David Thoreau, move over next to pond.” Robot hand pick up Henry David Thoreau, put him next to pond. Result recorded.
David Simmons-DuffinHonda Needs a Tune-Up
This is the story of how Honda engineers screwed up a big expensive project with a simple arithmetic mistake, tried to fudge their result with sound editing software, and congratulated themselves for being totally awesome.
When I was a kid, my family used to drive up to The Pinery in Ontario, a beautiful park by Lake Huron. Very scenic. My favorite part, though, was a stretch of road a half-hour outside of the park. To discourage reckless Canadians from barreling past the houses and barns, the local government carved five sets of grooves in the road before...
David Simmons-DuffinPhD finished! A thesis on Ambient Intelligence
Note: this entry is not new. It has been imported from my old blog and included here in order to have it as reference.
At last! Almost a month ago, on June 12th, I received my PhD degree after succesfully passing the PhD exam. The title of my dissertation was "A Reactive Behavioural Model for Context-Aware Semantic Devices".
For those of you interested, this is an excerpt from the abstract:
In this thesis, we propose a model for knowledge sharing between devices and for representing their behaviour in a way that promotes autonomous context-aware reactivity. In our approach, we bring Semantic Web...
Flin Van Hemmen, Sean Ali, Tony Malaby, Prospect Series
Sean Ali Flin van Hemmen Tony Malaby