Feed Andrew Hockey [copy] https://rss.app/feeds/i19jmxk5fqHNydpT.xml has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403
Halcycon: Addition of Infrastructure Projects Section
Addition of Infrastructure Projects Section
← Older revision Revision as of 23:50, 3 January 2019 Line 2: Line 2:See also [[Sauce code]].See also [[Sauce code]]. == Infrastructure Projects == ''A place to document infrastructure work on the space, worthy of "project" status'' [[Projects/1stFloor/Electrics/BuildAreaLighting]]
== Projects documented on this wiki ==== Projects documented on this wiki == london.hackspace
Rendering Nebulae
New Nebulae
Recently I began replacing the old particle-based nebula standin with proper volumetric nebula shaders. The nebulae need to be many and varied, and so I want to procedurally generate them like the rest of the universe. After being introduced to some awesome volumetric nebula examples on ShaderToy, I thought I'd too have a play around with ray-tracing a noise field to create procedural nebulae. The end result looks something like this :
Ray Tracing a Noise Field
The general algorithm for rendering a volumetric noise field:
- for each pixel on the screen, cast a ray from far to near (or...
Planetary Installations and HQs
I hope you all had a great 2018! I've been hard at work on Pegwars whenever I get the time, which is not as often as I would like, and have made some great improvements that I'll detail over the coming weeks. One such feature I have working now and would like to present a teaser of is Planetary Installations.
Planetary Installations
Imagine purchasing and equipping your frigate with some heavy planetary bombs, and seeking out an enemy planet. Hypering in, you orbit the planet with eyes out cockpit window for any valuable targets - depots, airports, perhaps even the enemy HQ. ...
Francis corsbie: /* Arduinos */
← Older revision Revision as of 17:51, 15 December 2018 Line 164: Line 164: [[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]][[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]][[Projects/Brendans IoT | Brendan's IoT][[Projects/Brendans IoT | Brendan's IoT]]
[[LED_tiles_V2]][[LED_tiles_V2]] london.hackspace
Francis corsbie: /* Arduinos */
← Older revision Revision as of 17:51, 15 December 2018 Line 164: Line 164: [[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]][[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]][[Projects/Brendan's IoT | Brendan's IoT][[Projects/Brendans IoT | Brendan's IoT]
[[LED_tiles_V2]][[LED_tiles_V2]] london.hackspace
Francis corsbie: /* Arduinos */
← Older revision Revision as of 17:50, 15 December 2018 Line 163: Line 163:[[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]][[Projects/Word Clock | Word Clock]] [[Projects/Brendan's IoT | Brendan's IoT]
[[LED_tiles_V2]][[LED_tiles_V2]] london.hackspace
FLOW – The Making of the Film
FLOW is a short art film I’ve started mid-summer at Mixpoint – a post-production house which kindly bears with me as their resident CGI director. Few images like those Juno photos got me seriously captivated at the time; I was also deep into commercial tabletop photography with their thick, vividly textured imagery of mixing liquids of all sorts – a grossly overlooked form of art. On top of that, there’s been a bunch of technical stuff I was looking to play with for ages, so here’s the resulting mix, shaken and stirred for your viewing pleasure (and then over-compressed beyond...
The Working ManВыставка CREATIVE MACHINE 2 открылась 7 ноября в Goldsmiths. фоторепортаж Бена Квинборо с открытия, …
Выставка CREATIVE MACHINE 2 открылась 7 ноября в Goldsmiths. фоторепортаж Бена Квинборо с открытия, часть 2-я #CYLANDexhibition creativemachine2.org http://dlvr.it/QqrX6sCreative Machine 2T...
Блогохран » Сергей Тетерин НьюсDone! Вчера в Лондоне открылась наша выставка CREATIVE MACHINE 2. Мы сделали ее с нашими партнерами …
Done! Вчера в Лондоне открылась наша выставка CREATIVE MACHINE 2. Мы сделали ее с нашими партнерами из Goldsmiths, University of London, с участием наших и британск?...
Блогохран » Сергей Тетерин НьюсМонтаж #монтаж. #Goldsmith, London Открытие сегодня http://dlvr.it/QqfWwc
Монтаж #монтаж. #Goldsmith, London Открытие сегодня http://dlvr.it/QqfWwcCYLAND MediaArtLab on Instagram: “Монтаж #монтаж. #Goldsmith, London Открытие сегодня”2 Likes, 0 Comments - CYLAND MediaA...
Блогохран » Сергей Тетерин Ньюс