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Automating incident response: scalable & fast, within minutes (hackerhotel2025)
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the increasing frequency and the scale of security incidents pose significant challenges for incident response teams. The traditional approach, rooted in digital forensics, is no longer sufficient nor is it efficient enough. It's time for a shift towards an automated incident response strategy that combines the investigative prowess of a digital detective with a DevOps mindset. In this talk, we will present how the incident response process of acquiring data, processing data, and analyzing information can be automated. Based on how we have built our incident response...
Getting a feel for lockpicking (opening up the world of locksport for the visual impaired) (hackerhotel2025)
Lockpicking is a sport where you open locks without force and mostly without keys. While doing this activity nothing much can be seen of the actual process. In stead you need to rely on sound and feel (tactile feedback from the lock). Therefor a lot of people (including us) think a visual impaired person could be rather good at this (as they are more trained to use the "other" senses) The firsts steps into locksport however are VERY visually heavy (video's, pictures, diagrams) which makes it rather hard for a visual impaired person to get...
De validatiecrisis (hackerhotel2025)
De opkomst van geavanceerde technologie en kunstmatige intelligentie heeft ongekende mogelijkheden gecreëerd, maar ook een sluimerend probleem blootgelegd: de validatiecrisis. In deze lezing neemt Brenno de Winter, gerenommeerd cybersecurity-expert en auteur van De Validatiecrisis, u mee in de wereld van misleidende aannames, ongeteste technologie, en de gevaren van een gebrek aan kritische evaluatie. Hij toont aan hoe deze crisis niet alleen technologie, maar ook maatschappelijke besluitvorming ondermijnt. Een belangrijk deel van de lezing is gewijd aan de MIAUW-methodiek (Methodiek voor Informatiebeveiligingsonderzoek met Auditwaarde). Dit gestructureerde framework biedt een oplossing voor de validatiecrisis in informatiebeveiliging door...
OT Cyberchallenges 2 (hackerhotel2025)
A year later, we are back at the wonderful company Acme where nice people make beautiful things. This time we will follow up on that and tell you how the company can improve their own maturity and security levels as explained in the standard. A year later, we are back at the wonderful company Acme where nice people make beautiful things. How did they fare, and what steps can they take now to protect their beautiful company from unwanted incidents. Last time we explained the challenges the company faces and how they could start their OT cybersecurity...
Android Auto (Flitsmeister) (hackerhotel2025)
How to make an Android App for Android Auto, a demo of the MapLibre sample app, and stories about Flitsmeister.
FrankkieNL has worked on the Android Auto (and Automotive) version of the Flitsmeister app.
This navigation app uses MapLibre to render a map on the Car screen.
During this talk, we will discuss how this works and how you can create your own Android Auto-based app.
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/ZQ3RYV/
Nerding out over silly machines (hackerhotel2025)
You've maybee seen the raking robot that got a CEH (Certified Estetisch Harker) certificate, the Telex linked to Twitter/Telegram or the ASCII foto booth. They are all made by me. If this talk gets accepted I will do a deep dive on these three contraptions and what I learned building them. Beside Schuberg Philis, DIVD, attending the farm and keeping my bees I als build machines. It is an interesting process and I want to share it with you. Machiens I will be talking about: * The (worlds?) 1st 3d color printer from TNO * The raking robot * AI/Twitter/Telegram/Slack...
Ask me anything, with Huib Modderkolk (hackerhotel2025)
This you really want to know. Huib has been responsibly disclosing the Secret Services, criminals and hackers. Now we turn it around: ask Huib anything. Chris van ‘t Hof will guide the conversation.
Books: 2024 “Dit wil je echt niet weten”, 2019 “Het is oorlog en niemand die het ziet”, “There's a War Going On But No One Can See It” - Its war and everyone can see it now. “Der digitale Weltkrieg, den keiner bemerkt”
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/NBZPQZ/
Openingstalk Hackerhotel 2025 (hackerhotel2025)
Openingstalk by Dimitri opening Hackerhotel 2025
In this openingstalk i will open Hackerhotel 2025 and thank all people that helped me and explain about how this Hackerhotel 2025 organisation went.
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/EMVMAX/
Биперная музыка на Arduino
Любимый отечественными энтузиастами компьютерной ретро-техники компьютер «Синклер» ZX Spectrum родом из начала 1980-х годов — восьмибитный. Любимый самодельщиками нынешнего тысячелетия Arduino родом из середины 2000-х годов — тоже восьмибитный. Они похожи, но такие разные. Сегодня попробуем навести мостик между этими мирами, преодолеть пропасть в два десятка лет, и заставить два разных устройства проиграть одни и те же мелодии.
В этой статье сплетаются сразу три темы: как устроены некоторые музыкальные полифонические процедуры на ZX Spectrum, как воспроизвести результат их работы в совершенно иной реализации на Arduino, а заодно немного электроники для начинающих — рассуждения на тему, как можно правильно или неправильно подключить...
Einführung in Embeddded Systeme. Von Maschinencode bis Rust (ulm)
Motivationsvortrag über verschiedene Microcontroller und Abstraktionsfähigkeit durch höhere Prorgammiersprachen
Assembler->C->Rust, Arduino, STM32, ESP32
about this event: https://www.ulm.ccc.de/ccc/chaosseminar/2025_02_embedded-software-entwicklung/