Feed Berlin Hack and Tell / @BerlinHacknTell [copy] http://shalnoff.co.uk/rss.php?rss=BerlinHacknTell has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed cleverhans-blog [copy] http://www.cleverhans.io/feed.xml has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 404

Dutch Fun! (damentals) (hackerhotel2025)

This workshop is especially for all attendants who are not Dutch natives. In an exact and logical manner I will guide you through the syntax and semantics of the Dutch language, from sounds (the famous 'ggh' and vowel inventory) to gender of nouns and word order. There will be simple illustrations to help you get a grip on the language and bluff your way into pub talk with locals. Please bring pen and paper for the old school school experience! I am a Dutch native teacher Dutch as a second language, with experience teaching expats....

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

How to do vulnerability disclosure in Japan (hackerhotel2025)

With the support of the Dutch embassy in Tokyo, I have researched Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) in Japan for DIVD. Japan’s governmental policy on CVD dates back to 2004. Although Japanese criminal law and jurisprudence do not allow for large-scale intrusive vulnerability research and disclosure, Japanese institutes help citizens disclose zero days to vendors and report vulnerabilities to website operators. Also, the Nation Institute for Information Communication Technology scans and notifies vulnerable IoT, and the Japanese government has adjusted laws to allow this. With the support of the Dutch embassy in Tokyo, I have researched...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

Frank talks AI, keynote style (hackerhotel2025)

Frank talks about AI, why it all of a sudden is everywhere and what it means. The keynotes of the likes of Microsoft, Google and Apple can all be summarized in 10 words: “A.I., A.I., A.I., Large Language Model, A.I., A.I., GPT, A.I. …“, so no doubt artificial intelligence holds a promise for the future. But what promise? Will A.I. save use or doom us? Or is it too soon to tell? With the invention of the car, the car accident, vehicle man slaughter and the getaway car were also invented, as well as the police...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

Hacking with screenreaders as tool or utility (hackerhotel2025)

How to use screenreaders to scan the operatingsystem, building blocks of an application or web-enviroment. How to use screenreaders to scan the operatingsystem, building blocks of an application or web-enviroment. Other topics are: * Reading and analysing logging * Capture a scrolling text * Query of classes etc Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/AXL9WT/

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

I love historical computing. to the moon and back (hackerhotel2025)

This talk describes the computer and its interfaces the DSKY (DiSplay-KeYboard) on board the Apollo missions that got us to the moon and back. I will point out several modern sources of information about this historical project and how it entertains lots of people to this day, including several emulation projects. Back in the period 1962 to 1969 the US went on a mission to get people on the moon. This talk describes the computer and its interfaces the DSKY (DiSplay-KeYboard) that were used during that time on board the Apollo missions that got us to...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

Don’t judge a vulnerability by its CVSS score (hackerhotel2025)

The total number of vulnerabilities continues to rise. If we had to rely on just CVSS for prioritizing those vulnerabilities, we have an enormous hard time to remediate all of them. In this talk, we’ll explore the critical gaps in CVSS-based prioritization and discuss why factors like exploitability, asset criticality, and real-time threat intelligence are way more important. Expect real-world examples, a touch of humor, and actionable insights to help you move beyond the CVSS score and toward a smarter, risk-based approach to vulnerability management. Because let’s face it: a CVSS 7 can be way...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

Workshop loosing weight (hackerhotel2025)

I have been struggling with my weight for over 25 years. After reading the book : The Obesity Code" everything clicked. Since I have lost 13 kg within 6 months. The great thing about this is that it is effortless. In this workshop we start with the theory of gaining and loosing weight. After that we are going to look at recipes for individual participants. What works, what doesn't. In the end you will know what should work for you, and how you can loose weight effortlessly. I have been struggling with my weight for over...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

AiTM: Lessons Learned (hackerhotel2025)

"AiTM: Lessons Learned" dives into the evolving threat of AiTM attacks. Our presentation highlights the transition from basic phishing tactics to sophisticated methods that compromise organizational security. The presentation outlines the journey from oldschool phishing attacks, to phishing framework like UADMIN, and the introduction of tools like Evilginx. And now the SaaS providers allowing anyone to buy access to an AiTM platform. We give an insight into a popular AiTM SaaS platform and the revenue stream hosting such software creates. The session ends by outlining common techniques to prevent these types of attacks. Most organizations...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-14 23:00:00 | Tech | read on

PureOS Crimson Development Report: January 2025

Welcome back! In our last update, we had exciting news - it's now possible to flash a PureOS Crimson image to your Librem 5.

That's a large step toward our first milestone. Now, we need essential functionality. The goal of the first milestone is to enable broad testing of applications by the community, and essential functionality has to work in order to get good feedback about applications.

For a phone, sound is about as essential as it gets.

The post PureOS Crimson Development Report: January 2025 appeared first on Purism.

Posted at 2025-02-14 20:48:37 | Tech | read on

Crypto 101 (hackerhotel2025)

A short introduction to cryptography, its past, present and future for the not yet fully initiated. Many talks mentioned cryptography somewhere along the presentation and everybody just nods. But how many people actually know the insights of cryptography? Why some things work and some things don't? During this talk I will explain the difference between encoding and encryption, the most common uses of cryptography, the difference between synchronous and asynchronous encryption, hashes. I will include some history and some future developments like quantum and why wel call cryptocoin cryptocoin. In a slow pace, scratching the...

ccc: media archive updates
Posted at 2025-02-13 23:00:00 | Tech | read on
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Однажды китайский ученый Ли Хунь Янь обнаружил некоторую незначительную, однако, существенно отличающуюся от фона корреляцию между количеством псилоцибина потребляемого корфуцианскими медузами и характером передвижения оных по стенкам четырехсотлитровго шарообразного аквариума, установленного в лаборатории по случаю празднования сто второго полугодичного затмения от начала новой эры Сингулярного Прорыва. Недолго думая, Ли Хунь Янь приделал к щупальцам медуз источники излучения в видимом диапазоне но с разной длинной волны, заснял весь процесс шестью камерами с 48 часовой выдержкой, симметрично расставив последние вокруг сосуда, где резвились подопытные и через неделю собрал прелюбопытнейший материал, который, в свою очередь, лег в основу фундаментального труда, ныне известного, как теория полутретичных n-многообразий простой метрики Ли Хунь Янь, с которой (с некоторыми упрощениями и оговорками) я, по мере сил, постараюсь познакомить любопытного и пытливого читателя.
