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Helpful hackers preventing evil hackers from crashing the grid (hackerhotel2025)
The European electricity network has become a ‘smart grid.’ This offers many opportunities for sustainability but also makes our energy system more vulnerable to digital attacks. In a time of increasing threat of hybrid warfare, the government and the energy sector realize that we as a society must prepare for possible disruption of the energy system and do everything we can to prevent it. Various institutions test smart devices, set safety standards, and monitor compliance with these standards. However, parties such as our grid operators only have control over the energy grid equipment up to...
Build your own parametric speaker (hackerhotel2025)
In this talk I will show you the theory behind parametric arrays what is involved in making your own low-cost directional speaker
Parametric speakers are extremely directional speakers that produce audible sound by modulating an audible signal on top of an ultrasonic carrier. Commercial options have existed for a long time but are quite expensive for hobbyists.
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/9V7W9G/
Operation Check Mate: De Rechtszaak (hackerhotel2025)
Tijdens Hacker Hotel krijg je de unieke kans om deel te nemen aan Operation Check Mate, een meeslepende interactieve ervaring waarin je zelf in de schoenen van een rechercheur staat. Deze game is ontwikkeld door experts uit het veld en biedt een fascinerende inkijk in de wereld van strafrechtelijk onderzoek. In teams werk je aan een intrigerende zaak, waarbij alle aspecten van recherchewerk aan bod komen: 🔍 Recherchewerk: Analyseer de zaak, stel kritische vragen en bepaal de volgende stappen. 🗣️ Verhoor: Onderzoek hoe je informatie boven tafel krijgt tijdens een verhoor. 🏠 Doorzoeking: Plan en voer een doorzoeking...
How to become your own ISP (hackerhotel2025)
This talk will take you along with a deep dive on how the internet works at its core and how you can participate yourself. You'll learn all about BGP, AS- numbers, IP-prefixes and more. Ever wanted to become sovereign on the internet? Want to know what its like to run an ISP? Are you a sysadmin that wants to learn more about networking? Then you're at the right place. This talk will take you along with a deep dive on how the internet works at its core and how you can participate yourself. You'll learn all...
Hacking the international travel system (hackerhotel2025)
It's one thing to plan a vacation trip to Cancun if you have a Dutch passport. It's entirely another to find a way to safety if you have an Egyptian passport. It's one thing to plan a vacation trip to Cancun if you have a Dutch passport. It's entirely another to find a way to safety if you have an Egyptian passport. We are experts in moving people to places that various governments would rather we didn't. The global immigration, customs, and travel system is an absolutely massive technological and human system designed to make...
Closing Hackerhotel 2025 (hackerhotel2025)
Closing talk of Hackerhotel 2025 with NFIR CTF award ceremony.
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/YBZVUM/
A criminal, and victim view of phishing and phishing panels, live of stage. (hackerhotel2025)
The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration deals with criminals claiming to be representatives of the organization and contacting the public with phishing emails daily. In this presentation, we will take you into the world of the criminals sending phishing emails and the recipients of the phishing mail. A live phishing demo is included. This presentation will show several examples of daily phishing that the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration deals with. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration receives over 60,000 reports of phishing every year. The second part of the presentation includes a live demo...
How Thermonuclear fusion works, free energy without waste (hackerhotel2025)
Nuclear fusion is a clean safe energy. Fusing hydrogen nuclei to release an enormous amount of energy. This talk will cover: - A recap of the physics that makes fusion work - How to build a fusion reactor at home - How nuclei collide and what is needed to the coulomb barrier - Challenges in how to scale it up and make it generate more power - How far are we to have fusion energy on the power grid - Current technical challenges in fusion - How we can solve problems using machine learning Nuclear fusion promises a clean, safe, and...
Как я купил ноутбук для дошколят на MIPS-процессоре и все заверте…
Осторожно: в статье я постарался подробно написать про всё, за что вы так любите Хабр: аппаратный моддинг и ковыряние в железе, хакинг Linux и обход проприетарной оболочки, а также программирование и портирование софта с других платформ.
Я очень большой фанат портативных гаджетов с полноценными QWERTY-клавиатурами: ноутбуков, коммуникаторов и различных хэндхелдов. Когда в мои руки попадает девайс с Linux или Windows CE в том или ином виде, я стараюсь максимально расширить функционал устройства и порой даже портирую программы с других платформ! Недавно мне удалось купить китайский детский обучающий ноутбук с MIPS-процессором и поворотным дисплеем всего за 1 000 рублей. Интересно узнать...
Wat is data (hackerhotel2025)
Sociale constructen gebruikt in software context en alles wat daar entertainment mee maakt :)
Een interactieve presentatie over waarom beperkingen op je dataset zetten onhandig is.
Wat is data?
Hoe lang duurt een dag?
Hoe lang duurt een uur?
Hoe lang is een maand?
Wat is een jaartal?
Wat is een geboortedatum?
Wat is een naam?
Hoe lang is een pincode?
Waaruit bestaat een pincode?
Hoe veilig is een private key?
Wat zijn mooie ronde getallen?
Hoe groot is een bit?
Hoe groot is een byte?
Waarom zou je sorteren op afmeting?
Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
about this event: https://pretalx.hackerhotel.nl/2025/talk/UHZ3EJ/