Feed digilinux.ru [copy] http://digilinux.ru/feed/ has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Feed freepost [copy] https://freepo.st/rss/new has loading error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: freepo.st
Feed Pete [copy] https://debu.gs/blog/feed.rss has loading error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
Vision Zero — безопасные улицы
Смертность на дорогах можно уменьшить. Для этого вовсе не нужны сложные компьютерные системы, беспилотники, монорельс и прочая ерунда. Но нужно будет поменять подход к проектированию городской среды.
Наиболее успешным подходом сейчас считается норвежская инициатива Vision Zero (ноль смертей), которая постепенно распространяется в Европе. На хабре уже была разгромная статья про нее. Теперь пришло время, наоборот, похвалить Vision Zero и подчеркнуть ее плюсы.
Водитель не виноват
Виновата инфраструктура. Один из главных принципов Vision Zero - участники дорожного движения будут иногда ошибаться, а инфраструктура никогда не должна ошибаться.
Читать далееBack to C++
I learned C++ in the late 1990s, back then with Microsoft's Visual Studio C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes. When I left Windows behind and embraced Linux and macOS, I concentrated on Objective-C, Vala, and (since 2020, being late to the game) Swift. Just recently I started getting into MCU programming (notably the ESP32-series). As I'm (still) not very fond of C, I was pleasantly surprised to see that C++ was supported well. I didn't look at C++ for almost two decades, but I like what the committee did since 2014. Type inference, move semantics, coroutines, ranges, and all that...
Building a Hacker News ChatGPT Plugin
I recently received access to develop and use ChatGPT plugins, and embarked on a project to build a Hacker News integration as a learning exercise. My goal was to enable retrieval of content from HN to answer questions and produce insights in conversations with ChatGPT.
You can experience the plugin in one of three ways:
Check out the simple demo which approximates parts of the plugin. (or) add ‘hn.kix.in’ as a plugin — if you have ChatGPT plugin access. (or) watch this short video:Simple Demo ...
It kind of crept up on me. One day, sitting at my workstation, I stopped typing, stared blankly at the screen for a few seconds, and a switch flipped in my head.
On the night of New Year’s Eve, my backpack was stolen from me on the train from Berlin to Amsterdam, and with it about $2000 worth of equipment, clothes, and so on. A portent for the year that was to come. I generally keep my private and public lives carefully separated, but perhaps I will offer you a peek behind the curtain today.
It seems like every week or two this year, another crisis presented...
Who should lead us?
Consider these two people, each captured in the midst of delivering a technical talk.
Based on appearances alone, what do you think of them?
The person on the left is a woman. She’s also pretty young, one might infer something about her level of experience accordingly. I imagine that she has led a much different life than I have, and may have a much different perspective, worldview, identity, and politics than I. Does she complain about sexism and discrimination in her work? Is she a feminist? Does she lean left or right on the political spectrum?
The person on the right looks like most of...
rc: a new shell for Unix
rc is a Unix shell I’ve been working on over the past couple of weeks, though it’s been in the design stages for a while longer than that. It’s not done or ready for general use yet, but it is interesting, so let’s talk about it.
As the name (which is subject to change) implies, rc is inspired by the Plan 9 rc shell. It’s not an implementation of Plan 9 rc, however: it departs in many notable ways. I’ll assume most readers are more familiar with POSIX shell or Bash and skip many of the direct comparisons to Plan 9. Also, though most of the features...
The Free Software Foundation is dying
The Free Software Foundation is one of the longest-running missions in the free software movement, effectively defining it. It provides a legal foundation for the movement and organizes activism around software freedom. The GNU project, closely related, has its own long story in our movement as the coding arm of the Free Software Foundation, taking these principles and philosophy into practice by developing free software; notably the GNU operating system that famously rests atop GNU/Linux.
Today, almost 40 years on, the FSF is dying.
Their achievements are unmistakable: we must offer them our gratitude and admiration for decades of accomplishments in establishing and advancing our cause. The principles of software...