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Hanzi Inspired Vehicles by Sheng Lam

All of the ships were inspired by the shape of a certain Chinese character. Done traditionally with ink and marker, then scanned into PS to fix and adjust a little bit.

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Sheng Lam on ArtStation

Sheng Lam on ArtStation
Posted at 2016-11-29 08:53:59 | Illustrations | read on

“Something told me it was a bad idea to strike up a conversation...

“Something told me it was a bad idea to strike up a conversation with a bear this late at night.”
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7 and 8B pencils
Holbein  watercolor )lamp black)
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper
Original for sale:

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-11-29 02:25:33 | Illustrations | read on

Another page from This Was Our Pact finished!Tools...

Another page from This Was Our Pact finished!
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7 and 8B pencils
Holbein  watercolor )lamp black)
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper
Original for sale:

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-11-28 05:46:46 | Illustrations | read on

Rat princess by Yuliya Litvinova

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Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation

Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation
Posted at 2016-11-25 12:21:32 | Illustrations | read on

“We’re going farther than anyone’s ever gone!”Tools...

“We’re going farther than anyone’s ever gone!”
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7 and 8B pencils
Holbein  watercolor )lamp black)
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper
Original for sale:

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-11-21 02:43:39 | Illustrations | read on

Guide by Yuliya Litvinova

Here is your guide through the dark Russian forest, keke

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Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation

Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation
Posted at 2016-11-18 14:04:20 | Illustrations | read on

“Anyway, later that evening when she looked up into the sky, she...

“Anyway, later that evening when she looked up into the sky, she saw a bright pinpoint of light floating just above the river’s end.”
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7 and 8B pencils
Holbein watercolor )lamp black)
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper
Original for sale:

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-11-15 23:27:53 | Illustrations | read on

“She just watched on as the fish dragged him...

“She just watched on as the fish dragged him away.”
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7 and 8B pencils
Holbein lamp black watercolor
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-10-20 00:46:27 | Illustrations | read on

Ben struggles to keep up with Nathaniel and the bear as they...

Ben struggles to keep up with Nathaniel and the bear as they pass through a dense section of forest where shafts of moonlight illuminate their path.
I’d been putting off this page for weeks while the sketch sat on my desk untouched. It’s funny how no matter how many pages I’ve drawn, I still have days where I can’t muster up the courage to work on a drawing, seriously doubting my ability to do the idea in my head justice. Fortunately, I’m really happy with the result of this and glad I finally decided to tackle it!
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7...

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-10-17 02:22:35 | Illustrations | read on

My 2nd child was born on the 16th of last month so I took a few...

My 2nd child was born on the 16th of last month so I took a few weeks off from drawing to be with my family.
Now it’s time to get back to work!
Tools used:
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 7B pencil
Holbein black watercolor
Drawn on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper
Original for sale:

Ryan A. illustration blog
Posted at 2016-10-08 01:30:39 | Illustrations | read on
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Однажды китайский ученый Ли Хунь Янь обнаружил некоторую незначительную, однако, существенно отличающуюся от фона корреляцию между количеством псилоцибина потребляемого корфуцианскими медузами и характером передвижения оных по стенкам четырехсотлитровго шарообразного аквариума, установленного в лаборатории по случаю празднования сто второго полугодичного затмения от начала новой эры Сингулярного Прорыва. Недолго думая, Ли Хунь Янь приделал к щупальцам медуз источники излучения в видимом диапазоне но с разной длинной волны, заснял весь процесс шестью камерами с 48 часовой выдержкой, симметрично расставив последние вокруг сосуда, где резвились подопытные и через неделю собрал прелюбопытнейший материал, который, в свою очередь, лег в основу фундаментального труда, ныне известного, как теория полутретичных n-многообразий простой метрики Ли Хунь Янь, с которой (с некоторыми упрощениями и оговорками) я, по мере сил, постараюсь познакомить любопытного и пытливого читателя.
