Zasadzka na nadbużańskich moczarach/Ambushed in the mire by Sebastian Szmyd
Stary woj Jegiel, rusałka Wilżanka i pogodowy skrzat Płanetniczek w tarapatach na nadbużańskich mokradłach.
Jegiel, an old warrior, Wilżanka, a nymph, and a small weather spirit Płanetniczek drawn into the mire of the Bug river.
Gouache on paper, A3 format.
The Zorza world is slowly taking a more tangible shape The main characters so far are:
- Wilżanka (her name means, more or less, "daughter of the oriole"), a river spirit/nymph (well, a rusalka);
- Jegiel, an old, one-armed warrior and also partially a spruce tree;
- Płanetniczek, a small weather spirit, under whose hat it never stops raining.
More is coming soon
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Brock Larson
Brock Larson is a contemporary American painter living in Minnesota. On his website you will find landscape and still life paintings along with portrait drawings.
In his landscapes, Larson often pulls us into the shadowy depths of deep woods, while at others times leading us out onto broad fields and expanses of water.
Brock Larson is the son of well-known painter Jeffery T. Larson.
Awkward Crew by Michael Black
I am happy to introduce you to some of the unaccepted characters I designed while working on a cartoon style sci-fi project a couple of years ago.
I would hate for this work to get lost on my hard drive. I hope you enjoy it.
Copyright NetEase
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Prize Game by Alex Andreev
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"Inevitable Fading" by Artem Chebokha
tutorial about my photoshop technique:
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Eye Candy for Today: Carl Theodor Reiffenstein castle
Weite Landschaft mit idealer rheinischer Burg (Wide landscape with an ideal Rhenish castle), Carl Theodor Reiffenstein, oil on canvas, 18 x 14 inches (45 x 36 cm)
This landscape painting by the 19th century German painter is a perfect example of counterchange — the reversal of value relationships between a shape or object and the background against which it’s set. In this case the dark against light at the top of the castle becomes light against dark in the center of the base.
See James Gurney’s excellent explanation of the principle in his 2008 post: Counterchange.
Left from this lane by Alex Andreev
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Black Rider by Alex Andreev
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I am never alone by Alex Andreev
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Alex Andreev on ArtStation
I'll be home by Alex Andreev
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