Feed Fritzing Blog [copy] https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml has loading error: A feed could not be found at `https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml`; the status code is `200` and content-type is `text/html`
Feed SparkFun Electronics [copy] http://www.sparkfun.com/feeds/news has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 405
Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending FOSDEM 2017. For many years, it is probably the most exciting event exclusively on Free Software to attend every year.
My personal highlights (next to meeting plenty of old and new friends) in terms of the talks were:
20 Years of Linux Virtual Memory by MM-Guru Andrea Arcangeli
GPU-Enabled Polyphase Filterbanks by Jan Kraemer
Virtual multi-antenna arrays for estimating the bearing of radio transmitters by Francois Quitin
Secure Microkernel for Deeply Embedded Devices by Jim "jserv" Huang
A discussion of Fedora's Legal state by Tom Callaway
Radio Lockdown Directive by Max Mehl
I was attending but not so excited by Georg...
Free Stuff, January–June 2016
It's been a while since we've posted, but yes, we are still giving away free stuff! Even though we can't respond to each and every email, we do read and carefully consider all of them, and we choose at least one awesome group, project, or individual each month to send some free hardware to. Here are the free stuff recipients for the first half of 2016.
ADS-B Out Open Source ProjectWe gave a HackRF One to developer and pilot Christopher Young, whose latest development project is an in-flight ADS-B Out transponder. ADS-B Out allows pilots to broadcast position, ground speed, and...
Реверс-инжиниринг лазерного сканера Leuze RS4
Ранее я уже рассказывал о реверс-инжиниринге лазерного датчика расстояния. В этот раз речь пойдет о более сложном устройстве — лазерном сканере Leuze RS4. Как и датчик, этот сканер попал ко мне в сломанном состоянии, так что пришлось заняться восстановлением его работы, и в процессе улучшить некоторые его характеристики, и, фактически, переделать его в другое устройство.
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Osmocom Conference 2017 on April 21st
I'm very happy that in 2017, we will have the first ever technical conference on the Osmocom cellular infrastructure projects.
For many years, we have had a small, invitation only event by Osmocom developers for Osmocom developers called OsmoDevCon. This was fine for the early years of Osmocom, but during the last few years it became apparent that we also need a public event for our many users. Those range from commercial cellular operators to community based efforts like Rhizomatica, and of course include the many research/lab type users with whom we started.
So now we'll have the public OsmoCon on April 21st, back-to-back with the invitation-only OsmoDevcon...
Mounting computers on wooden boards
Putting a Pentium 4 rig, power supply and all, on piece of plywood for easy hanging.
Autodesk: How to lose loyal EAGLE customers
A few days ago, Autodesk has announecd that the popular EAGLE electronics design automation (EDA) software is moving to a subscription based model.
When previously you paid once for a license and could use that version/license as long as you wanted, there now is a monthly subscription fee. Once you stop paying, you loose the right to use the software. Welcome to the brave new world.
I have remotely observed this subscription model as a general trend in the proprietary software universe. So far it hasn't affected me at all, as the only two proprietary applications I use on a regular basis during the last decade are...
Some thoughts on 33C3
I've just had the pleasure of attending all four days of 33C3 and have returned home with somewhat mixed feelings.
I've been a regular visitor and speaker at CCC events since 15C3 in 1998, which among other things means I'm an old man now. But I digress ;)
The event has come extremely far in those years. And to be honest, I struggle with the size. Back then, it was a meeting of like-minded hackers. You had the feeling that you know a significant portion of the attendees, and it was easy to connect to fellow hackers.
These days, both the number of attendees and...
33C3 talk on dissecting cellular modems
Yesterday, together with Holger 'zecke' Freyther, I co-presented at 33C3 about Dissectiong modern (3G/4G) cellular modems.
This presentation covers some of our recent explorations into a specific type of 3G/4G cellular modems, which next to the regular modem/baseband processor also contain a Cortex-A5 core that (unexpectedly) runs Linux.
We want to use such modems for building self-contained M2M devices that run the entire application inside the modem itself, without any external needs except electrical power, SIM card and antenna.
Next to that, they also pose an ideal platform for testing the Osmocom network-side projects for running GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and HSPA cellular networks.
You can find the Slides and the Video...
Contribute to Osmocom 3.5G and receive a free femtocell
In 2016, Osmocom gained initial 3.5G support with osmo-iuh and the Iu interface extensions of our libmsc and OsmoSGSN code. This means you can run your own small open source 3.5G cellular network for SMS, Voice and Data services.
However, the project needs more contributors: Become an active member in the Osmocom development community and get your nano3G femtocell for free.
I'm happy to announce that my company sysmocom hereby issues a call for proposals to the general public. Please describe in a short proposal how you would help us improving the Osmocom project if you were to receive one of those free femtocells.
Details of this proposal can be...
Sonoff special offer on banggood for WiFi Sonoff relay
Tthere is a special offer on SONOFF module on Banggood from today until 10th of January. You can buy the module for under $6, $5.99 ( 5.79 if you order it from mobile application).
The SONOFF module is produced by Itead.cc and can be used with their mobile app eWeLink or you can write your own software.
The core of the module is the ESP8266 and is connected to a 5V relay capable of 10A ( I will not bet on that)
I already ordered few of them and I am planning to put my own software so in the end I can...