Feed Fritzing Blog [copy] https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml has loading error: A feed could not be found at `https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml`; the status code is `200` and content-type is `text/html`
Feed SparkFun Electronics [copy] http://www.sparkfun.com/feeds/news has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 405
We now ship also from the USA
Since I started manufacturing and selling nixie tubes and clocks, our customers from the USA formed the single biggest market for us. I remember years where we shipped 50% of our clocks to the USA. Today, I am excited to announce an improvement for our US customers – cooperation with Nicholas Stock from California. Nick will ship our clocks to US customers and also do some warranty and repair services. This change means faster delivery, no import process, lower risk of damaging the package and lower overall cost of the delivery.
Introducing NickSo, who is Nick? If you are a member...
Hellobox B1 satellite finder teardown
It is a very simple device for about $15. The main SoC is GX6605S. There is some limited info about this chip on C-SKY page and some technical docs at their tools repo. It communicates with a Bluetooth module TLSR8266 using UART. There is also 4MB SPI flash holding the whole bootloader called GxLoader, Linux kernel and filesystem with the main app. The last important chip is RDA5815M which handles the RF to I/Q conversion. In the future I plan to add an USB-to-Ethernet adapter and repurpose it as an cheap opensource SAT>IP server.
full-dump-b1DownloadReply: The software of my dreams (3D to 3D capture and world reconstruction)
A reply to Ross Scott's "The Software of my dreams" video, on capturing game 3D worlds so they can be explored in different ways. Includes thoughts on technical and ethical directions, as well as too many game screenshots.
Tube Time Best Of
Since it’s hard to search Twitter, I’ve put together a compilation of some of my best Twitter threads.
Welcome thread #1
Welcome thread #2
Micropodcast Episode 1
Dipped tantalum capacitor (my first cross section)
LMR-195 cable
Fiber optic cable
Undersea cable
Ethernet plug and jack
VGA cable
Type N connector
Type N connector (annotated)
Apple Magsafe connector
DVI single-link cable
Tantalum capacitor from Fluke 8400
BNC plug and jack
Flat phone cable
RIFA paper capacitor
SFP DAC cable
BGA package
USB-C connector
AC power cable
MAX233 chip
Another USB-C cable
Micro SD card
Magsafe 2 connector
DIP socket
Glass thermistor
DIP socket (machine pin)
Carbon composition resistor
Blown LED
Micro-D connector
Modern BGA SoC
MacBook power cable
HDBNC connector
Axial aluminum electrolytic capacitor
12AX7 vacuum tube
Slowly rotating and dramatically lit cutaway view of a 12AX7
Mobian Community Edition
Mobian Community Edition (CE) PinePhones are now available for pre-order in the Pine Store. This edition of the PinePhone ships with Mobian, a Debian-based Linux distribution tailored to run on smartphones.
[Перевод] Новый высокопроизводительный одноплатный компьютер BeagleV построенный на открытой архитектуре RISC-V за $119+
До недавнего времени платы построенные на процессоре RISC-V такие как Kendryte K210, невозможно было использовать для высоко ресурсоемких задач, т.к. производительность конечных была очень низкой. В частности одноплатный компьютер XuanTie C906 на базе Allwinner RISC-V можно было использовать только для нишевых небольших задач, например в качестве камеры из-за отсутствия аппаратного графического ускорителя и наличия только 256 МБ оперативной памяти. Можно использовать одноплатные компьютеры такие как SiFive HiFive Unmatched или PolarBerry, но стоимость конечной системы составит сотни, а то и более тысячи долларов, что является весьма дороговато.
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January Update: Happy New Gear!
Happy New Year everyone! Let us all hope that the difficulties brought about by the COVID-19 virus are now waning and that more aspects of our lives will return to normal soon.
Diodes part 4: Glowing ionic diodes recreated & my ionic thesis research
Ionic diodes, failures in researching potential transistor-like devices and misdirection in transistor proofs. Lots of pretty pictures.
I owe you a riddle
The riddle has been solved and we’ll be contacting the winner in the coming days. The comments section has now been locked until January. Thank you to everyone who played along!
December Update: The Longest One Yet
Welcome to the last community update of the year. I want to start this month’s update by thanking everyone who helped us make this challenging year a fruitful and successful one.