Feed Fritzing Blog [copy] https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml has loading error: A feed could not be found at `https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml`; the status code is `200` and content-type is `text/html`
Feed SparkFun Electronics [copy] http://www.sparkfun.com/feeds/news has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 405
The Pentium as a Navajo weaving
Hurrying through the National Gallery of Art five minutes before closing, I passed a Navajo weaving with a complex abstract pattern. Suddenly, I realized the pattern was strangely familiar, so I stopped and looked closely. The design turned out to be an image of Intel's Pentium chip, the start of the long-lived Pentium family.1 The weaver, Marilou Schultz, created the artwork in 1994 using traditional materials and techniques. The rug was commissioned by Intel as a gift to AISES (American Indian Science & Engineering Society) and is currently part of an art exhibition—Woven Histories: Textiles and Modern Abstraction—focusing on the intersection between abstract art and woven...
Простой лабораторный высоковольтный БП 1…10 кВ своими руками
Универсальный регулируемый источник питания 1…10 кВ постоянного тока, из подножных материалов, для замены индукционной катушки [1] при работе с самодельными газоразрядными приборами. Блок питания (БП) имеет бортовой киловольтметр и миллиамперметр, а встроенный магазин балластных сопротивлений и переключающиеся шунты позволят использовать его как источник питания небольшого магниторазрядного высоковакуумного насоса или вакуумметра — т. н. ячейки Пеннинга. Читать дальше →
Eduardo Pesole’s top 10 tips for Wwise and Unreal Engine 5
As the course leader for our new Certified Courses program Master Game Audio with Wwise and Unreal Engine 5 we asked him to share his top 10 tips for Dolby Atmos mixing.
The post Eduardo Pesole’s top 10 tips for Wwise and Unreal Engine 5 appeared first on Music Hackspace.
Free Stuff - January 2024
The January 2024 recipient for the Great Scott Gadgets Free Stuff Program is Marc, the author of PySDR.org. Marc is interested in learning more about HackRF One and potentially adding a chapter on HackRF One to the PySDR.org documentation. We look forward to working with Marc on this update to PySDR.org and helping even more folks with finding new ways to interact with their HackRF One.
BML FPGA Design Tutorial Part-14ofN : Clocking
2024.08.25 : I’m BSEE Kevin Hubbard from Seattle, WA. When a stranger asks what I do, I typically answer “I design computer chips” and they usually stare at me blankly. I don’t actually work for Nvidia, AMD or even Intel. I use the term “computer chips” generically for “large digital semiconductor chips” which is a mouthful that very few understand. For 30+ years I’ve been designing digital ASICs and FPGAs. I’m giving back now in writing this “Getting started with FPGAs” series which starts here. I hope others may learn a little bit from my experiences going back to the early...
Inside the guidance system and computer of the Minuteman III nuclear missile
The Minuteman missile was introduced in 1962 as a key part of America's nuclear deterrent. The Minuteman III missile is currently the only US land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with 400 missiles ready for launch, spread across five central states.1 The missile contains a precision guidance system, capable of delivering a warhead to a target 13,000 km away (8000 miles) with an accuracy of 200 meters (660 feet).
The diagram below shows the guidance system of the Minuteman III missile (1970). This guidance system contains over 17,000 electronic and mechanical parts, costing $510,000 (about $4.5 million in current dollars). The heart of the guidance system is the...
Hugh Neal’s top 10 tips for Dolby Atmos mixing
Music Hackspace tutor Hugh Neal has 20 years of industry experience, having mixed at top London studios such as Abbey Road and Metropolis, working with renowned artists like James and Paul McCartney.
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Виниловый звук. Доработка проигрывателя, сборка лампового усилителя-корректора
Отправная точка — преобразование аналогового сигнала (звук) в цифровой, неизбежно приводит к потерям и искажениям, тем более что конечный результат стараются тем или иным способом сделать покомпактнее. Обратный процесс тоже ничего хорошего не добавит. Трагично и поучительно, что и сегодня, для «звуковоспроизведения высокой верности» наиболее близким к оригиналу массовым способом сохранения звукозаписи, как и при царе Горохе, остаётся грампластинка. Читать дальше →
Reverse engineering the 59-pound printer onboard the Space Shuttle
The Space Shuttle contained a bulky printer so the astronauts could receive procedures, mission plans, weather reports, crew activity plans, and other documents. Needed for the first Shuttle launch in 1981, this printer was designed in just 7 months, built around an Army communications terminal. Unlike modern printers, the Shuttle's printer contains a spinning metal drum with raised characters, allowing it to rapidly print a line at a time.
The Space Shuttle's Interim Teleprinter. The horizontal rails allowed it to be mounted in a Space Shuttle stowage locker. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.This printer is known as the Space...
Однокаскадный ламповый усилитель для квартирной музыки
Речь идёт об оснащении звуковоспроизводящей аппаратурой, по возможности «высокой верности», небольшой городской квартиры. Своими руками и невеликими средствами. Причём во главу угла решено поставить «звук», манкируя некоторыми эксплуатационными качествами. Здесь: постройка усилителя мощности звуковой частоты (УМЗЧ) в комплект к чувствительным акустическим системам (АС) из гипсокартона [1]. Усилитель выполнен на радиолампах пальчиковой серии и примечателен рядом необычностей. Читать дальше →