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«Безопаснику» на заметку: как сделать босса своим союзником?
Тяжела и неказиста (с) доля высокого начальства. Не каждый топ-менеджер или владелец бизнеса (в данном случае без разницы, потому синонимы), является «мастером на все руки». Для управленцев даже особый вид финансовой отчетности придумали, чтобы не вникать принимать решения по готовым шаблонам на основе агрегированных, специальным образом преобразованных данных.
То же с защитой информации. Владелец бизнеса воспринимает «безопасника» как помесь страхового агента и пожарного. Агент продает страх и постоянно требует денег, пожарный прибегает по первому зову и «решает вопросы» с мошенниками и прочими нарушителями внутреннего распорядка. Человек-функция, который неведомо каким способом «делает хорошо», занимается непонятно чем и недешево обходится.
Причина такого отношения проста...
leaving sony.
New year, new lifestyle. After nearly 9 years at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe across both R&D and World Wide Studios, I’m leaving for pastures new and exciting.
This marks major a shift in career for me. By leaving SCEE I’ll effectively be leaving the games industry that I’ve worked in since leaving university in 2001, and instead doing something that probably makes perfect sense for a demo coder by moving into visual arts / stage / events / entertainment: I’ll be working with United Visual Artists developing D3. A great bunch of people working at the very top of the...
Typo-Protected Public Keys
Typo-Protected Public Keys
This is an imported news item from the old Drupal GNUnet homepage.
When users type in public keys (such as the 53-characters of a GNS zone), they might make typos. The usual way to fix typos is to add a checksum, further increasing the length of the sequence that has to be typed in.
We can fix this by including the checksum of the public key in the public key itself, simply by trying new private keys until the corresponding public key...
Special-Use Domain Names of Peer-to-Peer Name Systems
Special-Use Domain Names of Peer-to-Peer Name Systems
This is an imported news item from the old Drupal GNUnet homepage.
We just submitted our draft for Special-Use Domain Names of Peer-to-Peer Name Systems to IETF. The intention is to reserve the TLDs ".exit", ".i2p", ".gnu", ".onion" and ".zkey" for use by the GNUnet, I2P and Tor peer-to-peer overlay networks.
real time ray tracing part 2.
Here’s the science bit. Concentrate..
In the last post I gave an overview of my journey through realtime raytracing and how I ended up with a performant technique that worked in a production setting (well, a demo) and was efficient and useful. Now I’m going go into some more technical details about the approaches I tried and ended up using.
There’s a massive amount of research in raytracing, realtime raytracing, GPU raytracing and so on. Very little of that research ended up with the conclusions I did – discarding the kind of spatial database that’s considered “the way” (i.e. bounding volume...
real time ray tracing.
It’s practically a tradition.
New hardware generation, new feature set. Ask the age old question: “is real time ray tracing practical yet?”. No, no it’s not is the answer that comes back every time.
But when I moved to Directx 11 sometime in the second half of 2011 I had the feeling that maybe this time it’d be different and the tide was changing. Ray tracing on GPUs in various forms has become popular and even efficient – be it in terms of signed distance field tracing in demos, sparse voxel octrees in game engines, nice looking WebGL path tracers, or actual...
get my slides from GDC2012.
As promised, they’re here! I’m afraid I had to delete all the videos, but apparently the recording of the full thing should be in the GDC Vault at some point.
[PDF here]
Yes I am aware that SlideShare managed to crop the bejesus out of my presentation
To everyone who showed up to my talk – thanks for coming! Here are the slides as a memento of the occasion!
To anyone who couldn’t make it and wants to read the slides, here they are! Good luck making sense of them!
To anyone who was at GDC but went to something else instead – here’s what...
come see me talk about directX11 at gdc 2012.
Quiet around here, isn’t it?
That’s because I’m going to be speaking at GDC 2012 about advanced procedural rendering in DirectX 11! (So I’m saving all the good material for that. Sorry.)
I’ll be talking about how we’ve used D3D11’s features to handle things like mesh generation and fluid dynamics for our upcoming demos, to give us huge advancements over our old DX9 engine – and in a way that you might consider practical enough to start thinking about for future game titles.
For those who are just starting on DX11 or are only thinking about it I’ll also try and...
vfork and the signal race
vfork and the signal race
This is an imported news item from the old Drupal GNUnet homepage.
Many articles uniformly claim that using vfork should be avoided and that the only difference between vfork and fork is (or used-to-be) performance and that thus vfork is obsolete . Here, I wanted to document a technical case where vfork is actually required and where using fork instead of...
numb res.
Numb Res by CNCD & Fairlight
pouet exe version video video (anaglyph 3d) youtube vimeo
It was easter. We made a new demo for The Gathering 2011.Yea, that’s right – in Norway, not in Germany. I really wanted to do a new demo because I’ve been collecting new routines all winter, and it was high time they got into the wild. So about 3 weeks before easter Jani and I started bouncing ideas around (“something with fluids” was the sumtotal of that I think). Then we went on the hunt for music. As some may know, we don’t have an active musician...