Contemporary art, design and visual communication
- Amazing Architecture -- Amazing Architecture YT feed
- Amy Goodchild -- multidisciplinary artist from London
- Aram Bartholl -- Blog
- ArchDaily -- Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide
- awwwards -- sites of the day
- Behance -- [The latest projects featured on the Behance
- Cem TEZCAN -- Technical Designer / Freelancer
- Centsational Style -- Design, Decorating & DIY
- Colossal -- The best of art, craft, and visual culture since 2010
- Core77 -- Industrial Design Magazine + Resource
- Dalibor Farný -- Nixie tube making at a garden shed
- designboom magazine -- your first source for architecture, design & art news
- dezeen -- architecture and design magazine
- -- Изображения
- Gurafiku -- A collection of visual research surveying the history of graphic design in Japan. Conducted by designer, Ryan Hageman.
- InteriorZine -- InteriorZine is a blog magazine featuring modern interior design, interior decorating, furniture, lighting, flooring, stylish homes, trends and tips.
- Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva --
- Nervous System -- explorations in generative design and natural phenomena
- Netdiver magazine -- What's new in design digital culture
- Public Delivery -- Art non-profit
- Science vs Magic -- Nico Disseldorp
- The Working Man -- A blog on various aspects of digital art and computer graphics practice and education by visual effects artist and 3D generalist Denis Kozlov.
- thefwa --
- Блог Ильи Бирмана -- Блог Ильи Бирмана о дизайне, городах, музыке и жизни.
- Графика в Linux --
- Георг Палладьев -- Лучший блог об электронной музыке
Friends and other interesting blogs
- Alina Anufrienko -- composer cello-player performer
- Andrew Hockey -- textural music sound art audio engineering
- antimantikora -- Millefolium /Тысячелистник
- Artur Paikin -- Artur Paikin′s Blog
- avva -- Ни о какой безапелляционности в моих высказываниях не может быть и речи!
- awareIT -- Internet of Things & Smart Objects
- Bre Pettis Blog -- Bre Pettis Blog
- budovskiy -- Заметки в стишках и картинках
- David Simmons-Duffin -- David Simmons-Duffin blog
- Di Halt -- Логи киберсатаниста
- DOWNTOWNMUSIC.NET -- Web archive of the photographs by Peter Gannushkin.
- -- Essential scrap
- Newsletter -- Latest updates, interesting links, and reviews
- -- elen_namira -
- Hundred Rabbits -- Rek and Devine project updates
- -- Остап Кармоди
- kiwi byrd arXiv -- СЮЖЕТЫ & РАССЛЕДОВАНИЯ
- levik -- Лёвик в Нью Йорке и других местах
- llsonya -- просто дневник
- London Hackspace -- The highlights.
- London Hackspace Pool -- For photos from any of the London Hackspace events.
- london.hackspace -- Projects - Revision history
- --
- Melting Asphalt -- Essays by Kevin Simler
- -- mursic's Journal
- Novy Novgorod - Medium -- Новости, лонгриды, интервью.
- чубакка -- is focussing on postmodern philosophy, tactical media, competitive consumption, digitalism, 80's, pov and ideology of robots. this site is a medley of astrology and homely receipts \ топос постмодерна
- Observations -- Trendcasting
- pegwars -- political economic and galactic warfare
- Plakhov -- Не кинокритик. Не палеонтолог.
- Rob van Kranenburg -- I am the Bad Wolf, I create myself
- Shtetl-Optimized -- The Blog of Scott Aaronson
- spintongues -- adventure reading
- Stories by Douglas Rushkoff on Medium --
- The People Speak -- tools for the world to take over itself
- The Working Man -- A blog on various aspects of digital art and computer graphics practice and education by visual effects artist and 3D generalist Denis Kozlov.
- Tom MacWright -- JavaScript, math, maps, etc
- -- Журнал Витуса
- WRD (James Stevens) -- Work, Review and Diversion
- zabavka_real_13 -- Ниоткуда с любовью к жизни или
- _niece -- Noblesse oblige
- Ася Роршах -- не существует. Это не освобождает
- Артур Пайкин -- Блог Артура Пайкина
- Алексей Пахунов --
- Новый Новгород -- Новости Конца Света
- Магия слов и чисел --
- Мадам Карабас -- тряпичные куклы и всё для их создания
- Записки программиста -- Блог о программировании, а также электронике, радио, и всяком таком
- Блогохран » Сергей Тетерин Ньюс -- резервные копии записей в моих блогах
- Глеб Калинин -- Дизайн, проектирование, контент и здравый смысл
- Дмитрий Чернышев -- ответы на незаданные вопросы
Electronics and microprocessor devices
- 8 Bit Spaghetti -- Building an 8-Bit Computer...
- AB Open -- Open source and technical communities consulting.
- Adam Munich -- Builder of wild things
- Antipasto Hardware Blog -- Open Source Hardware at Liquidware
- apertus° -- open source cinema
- Arduino, MK-90 и другие --
- Black Mesa Labs -- Delivering the future two layers at a time
- bunnie studios -- bunnie's blog
- CNX Software -- Embedded Systems News -- Reviews, tutorials and the latest news about embedded systems, IoT, open-source hardware, SBC's, microcontrollers, processors, and more
- CreativeApplications.Net -- Apps that Inspire..
- Crystalfontz -- LCD Blog
- Dalibor Farný -- Nixie tube making at a garden shed
- Dangerous Prototypes -- A new open source hardware project every month
- danman's blog --
- DevDotNet.ORG -- Embedded Systems, IoT, .NET, Docker, Hosting, Linux
- -- Блоги разработчиков встраиваемых систем.
- Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories -- Making the world a better place, one Evil Mad Scientist at a time.
- FreakLabs Blog News -- An RSS feed of blog postings for the FreakLabs Open Source Zigbee Development Blog.
- Fritzing Blog -- Official news on the Fritzing project
- Great Scott Gadgets --
- Hack a Day -- Fresh hacks every day
- -- Halestrom's Peregrinations
- IoT with ESP8266 -- Esp8266 blog. Learn how to compile, how to work with the wireless chip esp8266. ESP-01 ESP-03, ESP-07, ESP-12, ESP201 all are here
- --
- Ken Shirriff's blog -- Chargers, microprocessors, Arduino, and whatever
- LaForge's home page -- Blog and personal homepage of Harald Welte
- Leos Blog --
- linux for devices -- News - RSS Feeds
- -- Embedded Linux news & devices
- lo-tech -- Retro Computing by James Pearce
- lowRISC -- creating a fully open-sourced, Linux-capable, RISC-V-based SoC
- MaFrance351 -- Любитель поездов, трамваев и старых компьютеров
- -- Новости для творческих людей (и кто дружит с отверткой и паяльником)!
- -- Projects posted recently
- Music Hackspace -- London Music Hackspace
- myStorm -- The Open Source Fusion of ARM and FPGA
- olimex -- all fun projects at Olimex Ltd
- -- >Invention Platform for IoT
- PINE64 -- Open. Friendly. Community Driven.
- Planet Openmoko -- Openmoko News
- -- one girl's diary of improvisational engineering
- SparkFun Electronics -- SparkFun Electronics - Recent News Posts
- Sprites mods -- website documenting various hardware and software mods and hacks.
- Sprites mods -- website documenting various hardware and software mods and hacks.
- -- Jeroen Domburg
- Technoblogy -- Arduino and AVR projects
- The RFID Weblog -- Implementation and Application of RFID technology
- Tim's Blog --
- -- Сообщество разработчиков электроники
- TrolSoft --
- TubeTime -- Nixie CRT etc...
- VCFB Newsfeed -- Neues vom Orgateam des Vintage Computing Festival Berlin
- [BabayMazay] Сергей -- живу в лесу
- [devzona] Антон Сердюков -- Programistik
- [iamshpeht] Igor Speсht --
- [iliasam] -- Программист микроконтроллеров
- [Laserbuilder] -- Лазеростроитель
- [Ocelot] Dmitry --
- [radiolok] Артем Кашканов -- Релейно-декатронный маньяк
- Электроника для всех -- Блог об электронике
Illustrations and pictures
- Alex Andreev on ArtStation -- Freelance Illustrator & Concept Artist
- Alex Andreev | A Separate Reality -- Цифровая живопись Алексея Андреева
- Artem Chebokha on ArtStation -- Freelance artist. Open to work
- ARTWOONZ -- Art, Photography, Illustration, Digital art and more...
- but does it float --
- Daniele Turturici on ArtStation -- Creating my world one drawing at a time
- Denis Kozlov on ArtStation -- CG Artist & Technologist
- --
- Images of Math --
- Lines and Color --
- Michael Black on ArtStation -- CG Artist
- Ryan A. illustration blog -- Ryan A. illustration blog
- Sebastian Szmyd on ArtStation -- Illustrator
- Semiotic apocalypse --
- Sheng Lam on ArtStation -- freelance concept artist
- vladislav Udalov on ArtStation -- Freelance Concept Artist
- Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation -- Illustrator & Concept artist
- Hainbach -- The Official Hainbach Aftershow Party
- Ben Krasnow -- Applied Science
- curiosity vs ignorance -- Eugene Katrukha's personal blog
- diy Physics Blog -- Experimental Modern and Quantum Physics for Do-It-Yourself Science Enthusiasts
- igorivanov-blog -- Что интересного происходит в науке
- IMBG -- неофициальный сайт Института молекулярной биологии и генетики
- N + 1 -- Главное издание о науке, технике и технологиях
- Nature Wonder -- Life Science links
- Observations -- Science/Technology/Experiments
- Yegor Voronin --
- Что интересного происходит в науке -- Заметки про последние новости в естественных науках и всё вокруг них
- Элементы -- новости науки
Linux, Inferno and software engineering
- Anant Narayanan -- Talks & Ramblings
- Andrej Karpathy / @karpathy -- Twitter feed for: @karpathy. Generated by
- マリウス -- The Journal of マリウス
- curiosity vs ignorance -- Eugene Katrukha's personal blog
- -- Графика, видео, звук
- Dmitrii Eliuseev -- Stories by Dmitrii Eliuseev on Mediu
- Dmitry Ulyanov -- Technical blog
- Dr. Mickey Lauer -- Code & Words & Music
- Drew DeVault's blog -- Recent content
- Emanuele Feronato -- italian geek and PROgrammer
- Fabien Sanglard -- Chronicles of software wizardry
- freepost --
- Geek Blight -- rg3's blog
- inferno --
- -- Justine Tunney's Web Page
- -- Новости
- -- Project Nayuki
- nixers -- A forum and tight-knit community for computer enthusiasts interested in Unix, Linux, BSD, Programming and much more.
- opennews --
- Pete -- It's user error.
- news -- software that sucks less
- Tox Blog -- News regarding the Tox Project
- Ugolnik's Family blog -- Различные заметки обо всем
- [Manwe_SandS] Александр Мачуговский -- UX/UI дизайнер/исследователь, демосценер
- [nikhotmsk] -- Пользователь
- Графика в Linux --
Technology and information security
- Berlin Hack and Tell / @BerlinHacknTell -- monthly(ish) meetup where eight entities can show their hacks at c-base space station
- BugTraq.Ru -- Информационная безопасность без паники и всерьез
- ccc: media archive updates -- Chaos Computer Club Flash Streaming Initiative
- cleverhans-blog -- Jekyll blog associated with cleverhans
- Coinjournal -- Bitcoin News
- direct to video --
- eReader X -- eReaders, Tablets using eInk and rLcd; Save eyes
- -- CCC Event Blog
- GNUnet blogs -- The foremost goal of the GNUnet project is to become a widely used, reliable, open, nondiscriminating, egalitarian, unfettered and censorship-resistant system of free information exchange.
- Joanna Rutkowska -- The Invisible Things
- London Hackspace -- Revision history
- N O D E --
- Network Chuck -- Recent content on Terminal
- Protocol Labs -- Protocol Labs is building the next generation of the internet
- Purism -- High-quality laptops that protect your freedom and privacy
- -- Schneier on Security
- Security (b)log --
- Simone Margaritelli -- INTP :: Hacker :: I break stuff to make the world a safer place.
- SmartLab -- Smart Systems, Makers and Technology
- [bodyawm] Богдан -- Программист, железнячник. Донаты идут на контент!
- [dlinyj] Сергей -- Автор-фрилансер
- [shiru8bit] Александр Семенов -- Узкий специалист широкого профиля
- [VladGoryachev] Влад Горячев -- Программист, трейдер, автор книги Производные Нуля
- Утечки информации --
- Artem Kashkanov -- Всем привет, я Артем Кашканов и я создаю безумные устройства из того, из чего это делать в общем-то и не стоило бы.
- bitluni -- On bitluni's lab, you can find elaborate and funny tutorial videos about building gadgets.
- Breaking Taps -- Exploring material science and machining
- Carl Bugeja -- Engineer trying to invent new things with electronics
- Hi Dev! – Электроника -- Помогаем электронике стать понятнее
- Robert Feranec -- Videos about Electronics, PCB Layout, High Speed, Board Design and more ...
- Кирилл Лейфер -- Посмотри на свой мобильный телефон. Он стильный, мощный, сделан из стекла и металла. Надёжный помощник, который не бросит в трудную минуту, е
- Dmitry Korzhevsky -- Electronic-mechanical, soulful-nostalgic, lamp-atmospheric channel that inspires creativity.
- ensemb -- Science, technology – art. Fundamental and fun.
- kuji podcast --
- Юрий Беляев --
- Applied Science -- Subscribe to see interesting applications of science and technology.
- Real Engineering -- The home of innovation
- Sebastian Lague -- Hello, on this channel I explore how to create stuff out of code. I hope you find some of it interesting!
- Two Minute Papers -- What a time to be alive!
- Дмитрий Бачило -- Этот канал в основном посвящен обзорам всякого старого железа и софта, впрочем не только старого.