Fernvale Kits - Lack of Interest - Discount
Back in December 2014 at 31C3, bunnie and xobs presented about their exciting Fernvale project, how they reverse engineered parts of the MT6260 ARM SoC, which also happens to contain a Mediatek GSM baseband.
Thousands (at least hundreds) of people have seen that talk live. To date, 2506 people (or AIs?) have watched the recordings on youtube, 4859 more people on media.ccc.de.
Given that Fernvale was the closest you could get to having a hackable baseband processor / phone chip, I expected at least as much interest into this project as we received four years earlier with OsmocomBB.
As a result, in early 2015, sysmocom decided to order 50...
LaForge's home pageESP8266 Home Automation Projects - Errata
After the ESP8266 Home Automation Projects book was published, the wunderground.com service is not offering free services anymore, so the code presented in the Getting data from the internet part need to be reviewed.
There are two options in here: either you are subscribing to the wunderground.com service, paying a monthly subscription or you can choose other provider like OpenWeatherMap.org
Go to openweathermap.org an create an account. After login you will find your own API Key that will be used later in the code.
Now the code for getting current data is:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
const char* ssid = "YOUR_WIFI_SSID";
const char* password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD";
Wireshark dissector for 3GPP CBSP - traces wanted!
I recently was reading 3GPP TS 48.049, the specification for the CBSP (Cell Broadcast Service Protocol), which is the protocol between the BSC (Base Station Controller) and the CBC (Cell Broadcast Centre). It is how the CBC according to spec is instructing the BSCs to broadcast the various cell broadcast messages to their respective geographic scope.
While OsmoBTS and OsmoBSC do have support for SMSCB on the CBCH, there is no real interface in OsmoBSC yet on how any external application would instruct it tot send cell broadcasts. The only existing interface is a VTY command, which is nice for testing and development, but hardly a scalable...
LaForge's home pageSeamonkey's gradual showdown
Finding and testing alternative web browsers and email clients to Seamonkey. An in-depth critique of Firefox, Thunderbird and many more.
Halestrom.netIBM 5161 Expansion Chassis Extender and Receiver Cards
Today is an exciting day for people who collect vintage IBM PCs and XTs! IBM had a somewhat obscure add-on product called the 5161 expansion chassis, which looked exactly like an IBM PC but with a difference case badge. It allowed customers to add two additional full-height drives (typically 10MB MFM hard drives) and 7 usable expansion slots (excluding the one used for the MFM disk controller). And yes, with those full-height hard drives, it sounded like a jet engine.
Connecting the expansion chassis to the host PC were two expansion cards. One, the extender, was placed in the host PC....
TubeTimeFree Stuff, June and July 2018
junio 2018
El destinario de Cosas Gratis para junio es Gabriel Martín Miguel de Salamanca, España. Él quiere hacer una plataforma de radio asequible a los nuevos radioaficionados para acercarles las nuevas formas de hacer radio. Él tiene un grupo de Facebook sobre SDR para usuarios, programadores y radioficionados en español, tanto en España como en latinoamerica, aqui: facebook.com/groups
July 2018CTRL-H Hackerspace of Portland, Oregon asked us for a HackRF One. They plan to use it for SDR workshops and their Electronics Lab Radio Closet, where they'll be capturing and hosting as much data as possible through SDR. It looks like they...
Great Scott GadgetsStill alive, just not blogging
It's been months without any update to this blog, and I feel sad about that. Nothing particular has happened to me, everything is proceeding as usual.
At the Osmocom project we've been making great progress on a variety of fronts, including
3GPP LCLS (Local Call, Local Switch)
Inter-BSC hand-over in osmo-bsc
load Based hand-over in osmo-bsc
reintroducing SCCPlite compatibility to the new BSC code in osmo-bsc / libosmo-sigtran
finishing the first release of the SIMtrace2 firmware
extending test coverage on all fronts, particularly in our TTCN-3 test suites
tons of fixes to the osmo-bts measurement processing / reporting
higher precision time of arrival reporting in osmo-bts
migrating osmocom.org services to new,...
LaForge's home pageFree Stuff, May 2018
We sent Oleksandr Tytko a HackRF One. He is studying at Lyceum No 1, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. He and his classmates plan to use the HackRF One to learn about SDR and to write and test their own code. He is also very enthusiastic about starting an open source project studying the influence of radio frequencies on plants and people. He sent us a picture of the greenhouse in his local Botanic Garden where he plans to do the research:
Dan Groeneveld is an instructor at Northland Pioneer College in Show Low, Arizona. He is going to be teaching net security and...
Great Scott GadgetsFree Stuff, April 2018
April's Free Stuff recipient is EFF (The Electronic Frontier Foundation). EFF is a nonprofit organization that defends civil liberties in the digital world. From their website: Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.
Andrés Arrieta, Technology Projects Manager, has asked for a HackRF One because: At EFF we are looking how technologies impact our rights in our daily lives. Research has already shown many vulnerabilities in the standards...
Great Scott GadgetsFree Stuff, March 2018
The Free Stuff recipient for March is Jan van Katwijk, a hobby programmer from the Netherlands. He plans to use his new HackRF One to finish his work on DAB software by providing a library for HackRF, then for experimenting with wideband receiving issues. His current developments include software support for ACARS and ADS-B decoding.sdfsdfdsf A full overview of his work is available here and here.
If you'd like to submit your project idea for consideration to receive free hardware from Great Scott Gadgets, please visit the Free Stuff page and send us a message!
Great Scott Gadgets