Точное измерение частоты кварца без измерительных приборов
Измерить частоту кварца очень просто, для этого достаточно иметь частотомер. Собрать частотомер тоже несложно (например, по этой схеме). Но для этого нужен эталонный кварцевый резонатор с известной [с высокой точностью] частотой. Чем менее точно известна эта частота, тем выше будет погрешность прибора. Тут следует заметить, что в продаже, обычно, встречаются кварцы с достаточно большим отклонением частоты от заявленной. Вообще, после производства партии кварцев они проходят сортировку с разделением на группы по величине отклонения частоты: высокоточные (для серьёзного оборудования), приемлимой точности (для прочих устройств) и все остальные (полубрак, для последующей...
TrolSoftМои маленькие реле: Тройной Brainfuck, или что такое безумие
Рис.1: Релейный компьютер BrainfuckPC на фоне его автора
Продолжая славную традицию ежегодного дайджеста моих самых безумных компьютерных проектов, представляю вам третью и заключительную статью о проекте релейного компьютера BrainfuckPC.
В прошлых сериях:
2017: Мои маленькие реле: Brainfuck компьютер это магия
2018: Мои маленькие реле: Brainfuck компьютер это реальность
После десяти лет мечтаний и раздумий, два с лишним года неспешной работы и сборки, могу с уверенностью сказать, что проект релейного компьютера состоялся. Несмотря на то, что компьютер бесполезен с практической точки зрения, к тому же еще и регулярно сбоит, он стал отправной точкой для следующих, не менее безумных кибер-проектов.
Под катом звенящие релейные...
Repair: Allied Telesis AT-8000GS 24port gigabit switches
Replacing self-annihilating fans and reverse-engineering console cables.
Halestrom.netGoodbye, Dominic
Just over ten years ago I sent my first email to Dominic Spill:
“We haven’t met, Dominic, but I hope you don’t mind being included on this message. I thought you two might be interested in some work I finally got around to writing up. . .”
I had been exploring the use of software-defined radio for Bluetooth monitoring and had found Dominic’s paper on the subject. He and I quickly began collaborating on the development of tools and techniques that improved upon the methods in his paper. Just three months later, we presented Building an All-Channel Bluetooth Monitor at ShmooCon 2009.
Great Scott GadgetsSTM32 DMA Cheat Sheet
STMicro’s documentation about the subject is some of the most terse documentation I’ve ever seen in the business! This cheat sheet is a work-in-progress. DM-What? The STM32 microcontroller...
Adam MunichBack to BASICS
In March of 2017, I began to follow a project on Hackaday.io for a microcomputer constructed entirely out of common TTL integrated circuits. TTL stands for transistor-transistor logic, and appeared first in the very late 1960s. Several of the iconic minicomputers of the early 1970s were constructed from TTL integrated circuits – including the Data General Nova and the DEC PDP-11. Remarkably the descendants of this family of logic devices are still available today, using modern high speed CMOS process so that they are much faster yet consume a lot less power. In real terms they are also a lot...
myStormRestoration of the M.V. Maritol
In early 2018, friends and I decided to work on something rather unorthodox from our regular activities –we set out to bring new life into an old steel...
Adam Munichscanlime049 – iCEBreaker FPGA Quick Look
Today’s video is about a package sent in by 1BitSquared with a prototype FPGA board. These boards are part of a new generation of open hardware which builds on a foundation of open source FPGA tools. At the time we streamed this live, the crowdfunding campaign was about to launch. It’s been successfully funded, and at this time you can pre-order boards from the next batch.
scanlime049 – iCEBreaker FPGA Quick Look
The iCEBreaker page is on Crowd Supply.
Thank you so much for watching, subscribing, and sharing my videos. And a special thanks to my supporters on Patreon, where recurring donations...
scanlime.orgscanlime048 – Icestudio LED Matrix Driver Part 4
In the fourth and final part of our HUB75-style display driver series, we make a cool demo in gateware using the modular driver! In this segment we’ll add a frame buffer and implement a video feedback plus munching squares effect in Verilog and Icestudio.
scanlime048 – Icestudio LED Matrix Driver Part 4
The Icestudio editor and the entire build toolchain are free and open source software!
The FPGA board and adapter PMOD are part of the iCEBreaker CrowdSupply campaign, which was successfully funded! This is a great little FPGA dev board, and a platform designed to help more people get started with FPGAs...
scanlime.orgscanlime047 – Icestudio LED Matrix Driver Part 3
In the third part of our HUB75-style display driver in Verilog and Icestudio, we start looking at demoscene-style effects to implement next, and implement a gamma correction and dithering module to improve color quality.
scanlime047 – Icestudio LED Matrix Driver Part 3
The Icestudio editor and the entire build toolchain are free and open source software!
The FPGA board and adapter PMOD are part of the iCEBreaker CrowdSupply campaign, which was successfully funded! This is a great little FPGA dev board, and a platform designed to help more people get started with FPGAs using open source tools.
This project is available on Github.
Thank you...