Feed Fritzing Blog [copy] https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml has loading error: A feed could not be found at `https://feedmix.novaclic.com/atom2rss.php?source=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.fritzing.org%2Ffeed.xml`; the status code is `200` and content-type is `text/html`
Feed SparkFun Electronics [copy] http://www.sparkfun.com/feeds/news has loading error: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 405
Анализатор качества воздуха на ардуино
Прибор предназначен для контроля качества воздуха в помещении и отображения таких параметров, как температура, влажность, содержание CO2 а также выявления загрязнения воздуха угарным газом (CO), табачным дымом, парами спирта, ацетона, формальдегидов и других токсичных газов. “Сердцем” устройства является Seeeduino Nano - клон Arduino, присалнный на обзор компанией Seeed Studio.
Плата Seeeduino Nano поставляется в картонной коробке и выглядит следующим образом:
Отличительной особенностью этой платы является использование разъёма USB type-C и преобразователя USB-UART на базе микросхемы cp2102.
Для отображения информации используется дисплей 16х2, также от Seeed Studio. Его особенность...
Prototyping using copper tape and PCB land pads
Trying more techiques than traditional proto/vero/strip board has made things much easier, especially with SMD parts. EDIT: now with sot23.
Harald "LaF0rge" Welte: Retronetworking / BBS-Revival setup at #36C3
After many years of being involved in various projects at the annual Chaos Communication Congress (starting from the audio/vidoe recording team at 15C3), I've finally also departed the GSM team, i.e. the people who operate (Osmocom based) cellular networks at CCC events.
The CCC Camp in August 2019 was slightly different: Instead of helping an Osmocom based 2G/3G network, I decided to put up a nextepc-based LTE network and make that use the 2G/3G HLR (osmo-hlr) via a newly-written DIAMETER-to-GSUP proxy. After lots of hacking on that proxy and fixing various bugs in nextepc (see my laforge/cccamp2019 branch here) this was working rather fine.
For 36C3 in December 2019 I...
Harald "LaF0rge" Welte: 36C3 Talks on SIM card technology / Mitel DECT
At 36C3 in December 2019 I had the pleasure of presenting: One full talk about SIM card technology from A to Z and another talk where I presented together with eventphone team members about Security issues in the Mitel SIP-DECT system.
The SIM card talk was surprisingly successful, both in terms of a full audience on-site, as well as in terms of the number of viewers of the recordings on media.ccc.de. SIM cards are a rather niche topic in the wider IT industry, and my talk was not covering any vulnerabilities or the like. Also, there was nothing novel in the talk: SIM cards have been...
Embedded & IoT Technology 2019, Йокогама, Япония. 20-22 ноября 2019
Довелось принять участие в мероприятии, попутно привез оттуда видеоотчет.
Retronetworking / BBS-Revival setup at #36C3
After many years of being involved in various projects at the annual Chaos Communication Congress (starting from the audio/vidoe recording team at 15C3), I've finally also departed the GSM team, i.e. the people who operate (Osmocom based) cellular networks at CCC events.
The CCC Camp in August 2019 was slightly different: Instead of helping an Osmocom based 2G/3G network, I decided to put up a nextepc-based LTE network and make that use the 2G/3G HLR (osmo-hlr) via a newly-written DIAMETER-to-GSUP proxy. After lots of hacking on that proxy and fixing various bugs in nextepc (see my laforge/cccamp2019 branch here) this was working rather fine.
For 36C3 in December 2019 I...
36C3 Talks on SIM card technology / Mitel DECT
At 36C3 in December 2019 I had the pleasure of presenting: One full talk about SIM card technology from A to Z and another talk where I presented together with eventphone team members about Security issues in the Mitel SIP-DECT system.
The SIM card talk was surprisingly successful, both in terms of a full audience on-site, as well as in terms of the number of viewers of the recordings on media.ccc.de. SIM cards are a rather niche topic in the wider IT industry, and my talk was not covering any vulnerabilities or the like. Also, there was nothing novel in the talk: SIM cards have been...
Software Freedom Podcast #3 about Free Software mobile phone communication
Recently I had the pleasure of being part of the 3rd incarnation of a new podcast series by the Free Software Foundation Europe: The Software Freedom Podcast.
In episode 3, Matthias and Bonnie of the FSFE are interviewing me about various high-level topics related to [the lack of] Free Software in cellular telephony, as well as some of the projects that I was involved in (Openmoko, Osmocom).
We've also touched the current mainstream / political debate about Huawei and 5G networks, where my position can only be summarized as: It doesn't matter much in which country the related proprietary software is being developed. What we need is Free /...
Free Stuff, July and August 2019
Julio y August 2019
This summer we heard from two biomedical engineers. Juan Ignacio Cerrudo es nuestro receptor de julio. Él es el Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en Laboratorio de Prototipado Electrónico y 3D en la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (Argentina). He plans to use his HackRF One to assess security in medical devices and in classes to introduce students to signal processing.
Roy Morris with Gift of Life International asked us for a HackRF One in August. Roy travels throughout the developing world helping children with congenital heart defects receive the medical care they need. He’s going to use the...
Free Stuff, May and June 2019
May 2019
We sent a bunch of Throwing Star LAN Tap Kits to a high school in California in May. The computer science department will use them in several classes.
June 2019Brooklyn Research is an interdisciplinary creative space focused on technological innovation. They provide a platform for established artists, technologists, and researchers to foster engaging discourse and experimentation. One of their groups is going to use their new HackRF One to experiment with finding a way to translate satellite signals to G-Code for a printer which will deposit nutritional paste for a slime mold culture. That slime mold culture will be a...