Talpadk: How to prevent Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 from bsod when started on a virtual Windows PC using KVM

I assume you already have a working virtual machine that uses pci passthrough and that it works just fine with other games.

BUT very time you start up MS Flight Simulator 2020 Windows crashes with a blue screen of death.
It took me some time to figure out, so I’m writing this in the hope that it saves some other poor souls time.

The fix is quite simple you need to give the option “ignore_msrs=1” to the kvm kernel module.
Create the file “/etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf“
Containing the line “options kvm ignore_msrs=1“
And reboot the host.

See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU#Certain_Windows_games/applications_crashing/causing_a_bluescreen for a slightly more in depth explanation of this.

Planet Openmoko
Posted at 2020-09-13 06:56:12 | Electronics | read on

Варианты использования конфигурации в ASP.NET Core

Для получения конфигурации приложения обычно используют метод доступа по ключевому слову (ключ-значение). Но это бывает не всегда удобно т.к. иногда требуется использовать готовые объекты в коде с уже установленными значениями, причем с возможностью обновления значений без перезагрузки приложения. В данном примере предлагается шаблон использования конфигурации в качестве промежуточного слоя для ASP.NET Core приложений.
Читать дальше →

[devzona] Антон Сердюков
Posted at 2020-09-07 22:05:43 | Electronics | read on

PinePhone Manjaro Community Edition

I am thrilled to announce that the next Community Edition (CE) of the PinePhone will feature Manjaro. For those of you who do not know, Manjaro is an Arch-based Linux operating system designed with user-friendliness in mind.

Posted at 2020-08-31 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on

Meta: site comments, Minisleep 1.20 released

General appreciation + lots of bugfixes and security enchancements in Minisleep

Posted at 2020-08-30 11:29:52 | Electronics | read on

Free Stuff Update, September 2019–December 2019

September 2019

In September, we gave Chuck McManis a GreatFET One to experiment with. He owes us an update!

October 2019

Paul wrote to us from his shed in County Kildare to ask us for a few Throwing Star LAN Tap Kits to teach his kids how to solder.

November 2019

Way back in the Before Times, the organizers of the WOPR Summit 0x01 asked us to contribute a couple of GreatFET Ones for a hardware hacking booth. They planned to let attendees use the GreatFET Ones to run through some hands-on demos, then give them to the most passionate experimenters. That was a GreatPlan,...

Great Scott Gadgets
Posted at 2020-08-26 12:03:00 | Electronics | read on

August update: getting into a rhythm and not slowing down

elementary OS 6 Odin on Pinebook Pro - image via Alan Pope I am currently traveling and have a limited amount of time to write, so I’d like to apologize in advance for not covering all topics and not answering outstanding answering questions that some of you are waiting to hear about.

Posted at 2020-08-15 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on

Invitation to Play Along

Image from: Дмитрий Куртуков - Keyboard for PinePhone We are currently in talks with a number of hardware vendors regarding a Nokia N900-style, slide-out-design keyboard for the PinePhone. They’ll have to produce mock-ups or prototypes for us to consider in the next few weeks.

Posted at 2020-07-29 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on

All about the PineTab (Update)

This is a supplementary post to this month’s Community Update - if you haven’t read this month’s news, then I suggest you go back and have a read since we’ve had a handful of interesting announcements.

Posted at 2020-07-24 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on

Pinebook Pro pre-orders open with shipping in August 2020.

Hello everyone, I’m sure many of you will be happy to hear that the next round of Pinebook Pro pre-orders have now opened. This production-run is expected to ship in late August, 2020.

Posted at 2020-07-20 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on

July Update: biggest update in months!

I cannot remember the last time I had this much to report. With so many announcements and highlights, I ran out of time and didn’t cover a handful of topics that happened this month.

Posted at 2020-07-15 00:00:00 | Electronics | read on
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Однажды китайский ученый Ли Хунь Янь обнаружил некоторую незначительную, однако, существенно отличающуюся от фона корреляцию между количеством псилоцибина потребляемого корфуцианскими медузами и характером передвижения оных по стенкам четырехсотлитровго шарообразного аквариума, установленного в лаборатории по случаю празднования сто второго полугодичного затмения от начала новой эры Сингулярного Прорыва. Недолго думая, Ли Хунь Янь приделал к щупальцам медуз источники излучения в видимом диапазоне но с разной длинной волны, заснял весь процесс шестью камерами с 48 часовой выдержкой, симметрично расставив последние вокруг сосуда, где резвились подопытные и через неделю собрал прелюбопытнейший материал, который, в свою очередь, лег в основу фундаментального труда, ныне известного, как теория полутретичных n-многообразий простой метрики Ли Хунь Янь, с которой (с некоторыми упрощениями и оговорками) я, по мере сил, постараюсь познакомить любопытного и пытливого читателя.
