Happy New Year, the keyboard and cases are here!
The PinePhone & PinePhone Pro keyboard case and add-on cases are now available in the Pine Store! Go to store About the keyboard case The keyboard case works with both the PinePhone and PinePhone Pro and features a clam-shell design.
PINE64Простая разработка IoT приложений на C# для Raspberry Pi и других одноплатников, на Linux
Многие привыкли легко и просто программировать микроконтроллеры на платформе Arduino или nanoFramework (используется C#). Но как обстоит с разработкой IoT приложений на C# .NET для одноплатных компьютеров под Linux? В ответ услышите что нужно все устанавливать из командной строки, да и еще хорошо разбираться в Linux, там не так просто как с Arduino. Для настройки удаленной отладки необходимо выполнить множество различных действий, вручную настроить конфигурацию запуска, генерировать ключи доступа для пользователя, от имени которого будет запускать отладка, и т. д. Но теперь, благодаря расширению .NET FastIoT для Visual Studio Code, это не требуется делать. Черновую работу по установке необходимых пакетов...
PinePhone community poll
People pick up a PinePhone for the freedom to choose an operating system, to enjoy privacy by default, and to truly own the device they purchase. From the moment a PinePhone departs from our warehouse we no longer have any insight into what happens to it.
PINE64OsmoDevCall: "Retronetworking: V5 interfaces in ISDN/PSTN"
I've presented on Retronetworking: V5 interfaces in ISDN/PSTN as part of the OsmoDevCall talk series on Osmocom and related technology.
You can find the video recording at https://media.ccc.de/v/osmodevcall-20211228-laforge-retro-isdn-v5
LaForge's home pageOsmoDevCall: "Control/User Plane Separation (CUPS) and PFCP"
I've presented on Control/User Plane Separation (CUPS) and PFCP as part of the OsmoDevCall talk series on Osmocom and related technology.
You can find the video recording at https://media.ccc.de/v/osmodevcall-20211125-laforge-cups-pfcp
LaForge's home pageИзготавливаем самодельный электролюминесцентный индикатор
В прошлый раз я показывал вам свою коллекцию советских электролюминесцентных индикаторов. Я капитально подсел на эту тему и последние три месяца пытаюсь изготовить самодельный индикатор удовлетворительного качества.
Дерпи Хувс ловит маффины. Стекло. Эпоксидка. Зелёный люминофор.
Я потратил целых три месяца и изготовил добрую сотню образцов, прежде чем у меня стало получаться что-то сносное. На данный момент я провёл пять экспериментов и изготовил две серии прототипов.
Думаю ещё через несколько месяцев я смогу написать уже Исчерпывающее руководство по изготовлению самодельных индикаторов, с подробным обоснованием всех возможных комбинаций материалов, но пока же ограничусь описанием проведённых экспериментов и полученными текущими результатами^ Читать дальше →
Free Stuff, July 2021–September 2021
July’s recipient is Nick with Urban Rivers. This organization is building a floating park in the Chicago River that has been getting a lot of bird layovers. Nick wants to integrate a HackRF One into Motus Wildlife Tracking System to study migratory patterns and capture a more complete picture of avian travel.
AugustKevin runs the Roanoke Robotics Club and asked us for Free Stuff to teach kids about electronics, etc. We sent a box of Throwing Star LAN Tap Kits so they can practice soldering.
SeptemberTandin is a person of many talents, technical and artistic, in Bhutan. They asked for an Ubertooth...
Great Scott GadgetsFree Stuff, April 2021–June 2021
April 2021
Eric wrote to us on behalf of the Chaffey High School (Ontario, CA) Tech Club, asking for a HackRF One. He’ll be graduating from the University of Tulsa soon and as a past president of the club, he zooms into the club’s meetings to offer help with computer science and cybersecurity topics. Now he’ll be able to help the students use a HackRF One for their own projects. They’ll also be holding workshops on RC Car Hacking, Listening to and Broadcasting AM/FM Radio Signals, and Mapping Planes with ADS-B Signals.
May 2021The Free Stuff recipient for May is João Pedro...
Great Scott GadgetsFree Stuff, January 2021–March 2021
January 2021
The first Free Stuff recipient of 2021 is Christos Voutichtis, an artist in Gemany who asked for a HackRF One for his project, Order of Sound. He tells us, “This is an arrangement of five complex antenna receivers which make the electromagnetic waves that permanently surround us audible. This data, which we perceive as sound, is processed in a program (VVVV) that I have designed which enables the analysis to translate them into graphical elements, which are then rendered as an abstract architecture in the form of a real-time projection. The viewer enters an immersive megastructure of abstract data...
Great Scott GadgetsLUNA Now Uses Amaranth HDL
Note: This is a crosspost of a Cynthion update on Crowd Supply: https://www.crowdsupply.com/great-scott-gadgets/luna/updates/luna-now-uses-amaranth-hdl
Over the next while we will be updating the LUNA project to use “Amaranth HDL”, which is the new name whitequark and other maintainers have chosen for their project. Amaranth is the hardware description language used in LUNA. The Amaranth gateware provided with LUNA enables you to create USB devices in gateware, firmware or both. Amaranth also enables LUNA to customize itself to the task at hand, which gives it access to unique features like user-defined hardware triggering and simultaneous capture of additional external or internal signals. The...
Great Scott Gadgets