A response to Martijn's blog
We rarely, if ever, make responses to blog posts or articles. In fact, there is only one instance that I can think of when we did so. So then, somewhat uncharacteristically, this is a response post to Martijn Braam’s blog in which he explains why he left the PINE64 community.
PINE64Does the WS2812 have integrated Gamma-Correction?
A while ago, I used transient current analysis to understand the behavior of the WS2812 a bit better (and to play around with my new oscilloscope). One intersting finding was that the translation of the 8 bit input value for the PWM register is mapped in a nonlinear way to the output duty cycle. This behavior is not documented in the data sheet or anywhere else. Reason enough to revisit this topic.
Measured PWM duty cycle vs. set value for WS2812SThe table and plot above show PWM pulse length of a WS2812S in dependence of the programmed 8 bit PWM set...
Tim's BlogGreatFet Feature on Hackaday
Back in 2019 over on Hackaday, Mike Szczys wrote a piece called “Hands-On: GreatFET is an Embedded Tool That Does it All”. This article covers:
a review of the GreatFET One hardware, our matching GreatFET One sticker, the wiggler, a test run of GreatFET One and an I2C OLED display, Facedancer and USB emulation, and how to do a quick recovery using DFU.We hope you check it out!
Great Scott GadgetsYamaha C1 IDE Adapter
The Lo-tech C1 Music Computer IDE Adapter brings new life to the much-loved Yamaha C1.
lo-techFree Stuff - July 2022
The July recipient for the Great Scott Gadgets Free Stuff Program is Manoj Kumar Mondal from India! Manoj requested a HackRF so he could take some security courses at his university; having a HackRF is a pre-requisite for the course. We look forward to hearing from Manoj as he progresses through the course!
Great Scott GadgetsПрограммирование на Python и установка Docker для Sipeed Lichee RV RISC-V
В первой части познакомились с процессором Allwinner D1 на RISC-V архитектуре, рассмотрели возможности, поработали с одноплатным компьютером Sipeed Lichee RV. Старый образ операционной системы содержал многие недоработки, которые не позволяли полностью оценить работу одноплатника. В продолжение рассмотрения Lichee RV, возьмем новый образ Ubuntu, построенный на последнем ядре Linux 5.19, окончательный выпуск которого ожидается в конце июля 2022 года. Поработаем с GPIO из Python`а и установим Docker. Теперь полноценно протестируем новый образ, проверим на что способна плата и начнем уже программировать на Python.
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July Update: A Pinecil Evolved
Welcome to the July community update - I hope you’re staying cool in the heatwave. This month we’re introducing the Pinecil V2 - an evolution of the original Pinecil - and taking a closer look at the Star64 RISC-V SBC.
PINE64Many indoor air quality sensor products are a scam (temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2, TVOC)
The indoor air quality industry is completely broken. A reply to an OpenWRT forum post.
Halestrom.netA tiny Pinball Fantasies table
Pinball Fantasies used to be a DOS game. I put it in a miniscule actual pinball table.
Sprites modsA tiny Pinball Fantasies table
Pinball Fantasies used to be a DOS game. I put it in a miniscule actual pinball table.
Sprites mods