OsmoDevCall: "Osmocom SIMtrace2 Tutorial"
I've presented an SIMtrace2 Tutorial - SIM protocol tracing: how and why as part of the OsmoDevCall talk series on Osmocom and related technology.
You can find the video recording at https://media.ccc.de/v/osmodevcall-20221019-laforge-simtrace2-tutorial
LaForge's home pageInfiniTime 1.11
We released InfiniTime 1.11 a few days ago. The timing of the release did not align with the monthly community update, so we decided to write a small blog post to highlight a few new features and provide new about the PineTime community!
PINE64October update: An Ox, no bull
I hope that the good news and all the announcements of this month will make up for the much delayed publication date - which is something I sincerely apologize for.
PINE64CFA632 and CFA634 Custom Characters
We recently received a question about setting custom characters on our CFA632 and CFA634 modules.
The datasheet includes an example of using custom characters which looks like this:
\012\001\128\129\130\131\017\000\001\132\133\134\135 \025\000\000\000\001\003\000\031\031\031 \025\001\028\054\032\001\003\051\051\051 \025\002\014\027\049\032\032\047\032\047 \025\003\000\000\032\048\000\062\000\062 \025\004\031\031\031\000\003\001\000\000 \025\005\051\051\051\003\001\032\054\028 \025\006\047\032\047\032\032\049\027\014 \025\007\062\000\062\000\048\032\000\000
The customer wanted to know what was going on and what would the custom characters look like.
Here is how our support engineer answered:1. The example is in decimal rather than hexadecimal, so the lines that start with \025 are the custom character setting lines.
2. I’m not sure why the first line was put first rather than last, but it’s showing the custom characters in action. If you have a CFA632 with the...
CrystalfontzIntroducing Opera Cake
Starting this week, we are shipping Opera Cake, our multi-use antenna-switching add-on for HackRF One!
This add-on board has two primary ports, each connected to any of eight secondary ports, and it is optimized for use as a pair of 1x4 switches or as a single 1x8 switch.
As a 1x8 switch, Opera Cake can connect your HackRF to a variety of antennas at once, such as a long wire antenna for HF bands, a discone for VHF and UHF, a dipole for 2.4 GHz, and a dish for a satellite band. Once connected to your Opera Cake you can switch between...
Great Scott GadgetsPseudo-Doppler Redux, ShmooCon 2018
Back in 2018 Michael Ossmann teamed up with Schuyler St. Leger at ShmooCon to present “Pseudo-Doppler Redux”; a talk about taking a modern approach to the implementation of pseudo-doppler direction finding (DF) with Software Defined Radio (SDR). This presentation demonstrates what pseudo-doppler direction finding is and gives an example of Opera Cake usage.
We hope you enjoy watching the presentation!
Great Scott GadgetsHarald "LaF0rge" Welte: Deployment of future community TDMoIP hub
I've mentioned some of my various retronetworking projects in some past blog posts. One of those projects is Osmocom Community TDM over IP (OCTOI). During the past 5 or so months, we have been using a number of GPS-synchronized open source icE1usb interconnected by a new, efficient but strill transparent TDMoIP protocol in order to run a distributed TDM/PDH network. This network is currently only used to provide ISDN services to retronetworking enthusiasts, but other uses like frame relay have also been validated.
So far, the central hub of this OCTOI network has been operating in the basement of my home, behind a consumer-grade DOCSIS cable modem connection....
Planet OpenmokoDeployment of future community TDMoIP hub
I've mentioned some of my various retronetworking projects in some past blog posts. One of those projects is Osmocom Community TDM over IP (OCTOI). During the past 5 or so months, we have been using a number of GPS-synchronized open source icE1usb interconnected by a new, efficient but strill transparent TDMoIP protocol in order to run a distributed TDM/PDH network. This network is currently only used to provide ISDN services to retronetworking enthusiasts, but other uses like frame relay have also been validated.
So far, the central hub of this OCTOI network has been operating in the basement of my home, behind a consumer-grade DOCSIS cable modem connection....
LaForge's home pageПаттерн внедрение зависимостей в .NET nanoFramework для микроконтроллеров
Сегодня сломаем привычный мир инженеров и разработчиков встраиваемых систем на микроконтроллерах. В .NET существует замечательный паттерн программирования, как внедрение зависимостей (Dependency injection, DI). Суть паттерна заключается в предоставление механизма, который позволяет сделать взаимодействующие в приложение объекты слабосвязанными. Эти объекты будут связаны между собой через абстракции, например, через интерфейсы, что делает всю систему более гибкой, более адаптируемой и расширяемой. Но когда ведется разработка для микроконтроллеров, все зависимости обычно жестко завязаны на используемых устройствах, и замена датчика иногда приводит к существенному переписыванию программного кода. Напишем приложение на .NET nanoFramework для микроконтроллера ESP32, используя паттерн DI с возможностью легкой замены датчиков и LCD...
Harald "LaF0rge" Welte: Clock sync trouble with Digium cards and timing cables
If you have ever worked with Digium (now part of Sangoma) digital telephony interface cards such as the TE110/410/420/820 (single to octal E1/T1/J1 PRI cards), you will probably have seen that they always have a timing connector, where the timing information can be passed from one card to another.
In PDH/ISDN (or even SDH) networks, it is very important to have a synchronized clock across the network. If the clocks are drifting, there will be underruns or overruns, with associated phase jumps that are particularly dangerous when analog modem calls are transported.
In traditional ISDN use cases, the clock is always provided by the network operator, and any customer/user...
Planet Openmoko