Microinstructions Done
I finished the microinstructions for the control matrix of my computer. The block diagram on the upper left is the architecture of the computer itself. The chart below it is a list of OP codes for different macroinstructions. The chart on the right is the list of each individual microinstruction that makes up each macroinstruction.
For sake of simplicity I’ve also put all of this data into an excel worksheet that reads out base-10 numbers to make programming the NVRAM easy if I choose to use my Arduino for a programmer.
8 Bit SpaghettiThe Bulk of My Computer
After a month I finally received my breadboards from China and can start finishing the breadboard work on my computer. I now have all of the registers constructed as well as the ALU. Everything is connected to a data bus (bottom) that allows for the transfer of data from one register on the computer to another. All that remains now is the control matrix as well as the logic that drives the operation of the computer (run/stop, manual clock, auto, etc…). All of the yellow wires are control bits for the registers.
8 Bit SpaghettiControl Matrix Programming
A CPU consists mainly of registers (places to store values) that have to be controlled by, you guessed it, a control matrix. The control matrix outputs a control word, CON, whose bits activate the needed registers on a computer for input and output. For my computer I am using 3 NVRAM chips to store all of the control words.
The control matrix on my computer has two stages, both of wich consist of 3 steps. The entire sequence is called the machine cycle. And, in my computer’s case, the machine cycle also is equivalent to the instruction cycle which is how...
8 Bit SpaghettiThe Display
For the display I wanted something more interesting than a simple binary readout. I decided to go with the retro look and use some IV-9 russian Numitron tubes that can be conveniently driven by 5V with 20mA of current, the perfect amount to use a 4511 7-segment decoder. The only problem in the way of a steampunk output for my computer was converting the base-16 output of my computer into 3 digits of base-10 binary coded decimals.
Binary coded decimals are exactly what they sound like. The BCD system uses binary values 0-9 to express the base-10 digits that we use...
8 Bit SpaghettiTwo Useful Books
Without the textbook Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino I wouldn’t have been able to even start this project. If you are considering building, or even learning about a computer using TTL this book is extremely worth the small amount of money you have to pay for it on Amazon. The TTL Cookbook by Don Lancaster is also extremely useful and provides pinouts for most of the 7400 series TTL chips that you would need for such a project.
8 Bit SpaghettiFirst Parts
The first parts that I purchased for my computer included two breadboards and the logic chips to build a simple Arithmetic Logic Unit that could preform addition and subtraction on 4 bits. Initially I was going to build a 4 bit computer, but I later decided that having a computer that could only operate with integers from 0 to 15 would be rather boring. I learned something very important with my first purchase: NTE chips are not meant for projects. NTE chips are fairly common if you are searching for cheap parts, and the reason behind that is that they...
8 Bit SpaghettiAndroid App Helps Blind Students Study Math
I thought I'd share this interesting Vanderbilt University MED Lab research. Jenna Gorlewicz has done an amazing job of demonstrating how an Android App she designed can help blind students study math.
From Medgadget News: Android App to Help Blind People Study Math
Antipasto Hardware BlogЭлектронное ожерелье. Часть 2
В прошлый раз мы рассмотрели аппаратную часть нашей побрякушки, настало время написать прошивку.
Читать дальше →
Электронное ожерелье. Часть 1
Идея делать украшения из электронных компонентов не нова. Особенно приятно, если это не просто красивая кучка деталек, а работающая схема, которая светится, мигает и переливается… Расскажу о своем опыте конструирования подарка на 8 марта.
Будет много картинок
Две стороны повсеместного применения микроконтроллеров
Микроконтроллеры (старое красивое название — однокристалльные микро-ЭВМ) в настоящее время имеют невероятно много областей применения. От промышленной автоматики до бытовых приборов, от управления ядерными станциями до детских игрушек, от секретных военных систем до переключения каналов в вашем радиоприемнике. Одним словом, проще перечислить, где они не применяются.
Изобретение и дальнейшее развитие микроконтроллеров произвело настоящую революцию в цифровой электронике. Изменились не только схемотехника и элементная база, но и сами принципы построения систем. Значительные изменения претерпел цикл разработки. Появились целые классы устройств, существование которых было бы невозможно без контроллеров.
Но у всякой технологии, как бы хороша она не была, всегда есть обратная сторона. Сюда относятся...