How to build a high-tech prototype faster than it takes to build a 30-story hotel
I stumbled across a video recently that I thought was pretty amazing. It’s a time-lapse video of a 30-story hotel that was built in 15 days.
Mind you, this wasn’t a shoddy structure. It’s designed to withstand a 9.0 earthquake, along cutting-edge energy efficiency features. How’d they do it? (The longer story from Businessweek is here)
We make 93 percent of the building in our factory. The basic block, a “main board,” is 3.9 meters by 15.6 meters (12.8 feet by 51.2 feet) and includes everything from water pipes and ventilation shafts down to floor tiles,...
Antipasto Hardware Blog3 Useful Things to Know about the BeagleJuice, 2nd Gen
I got a few very good questions about the BeagleJuice, 2nd Gen from earlier this week, so I thought I’d answer them in post form.
What are the specs on the I2C pins on the BeagleJuice?
The I2C pins (GND, Vext, SDA, and SCL) are exposed for custom headers or wiring. After bugging Chris several times, he decided to just draw me a schematic instead. The range of operation is 1.8V to 3.3V. Currently, there are drivers coded for Android/Linux and OMAP, but it could be hacked to anything that talks I2C.
What else can I power with the...
Antipasto Hardware BlogIntroducing the BeagleJuice, 2nd Generation: Laptop-Grade Power Management for the BeagleBoard
Last week, I took a trip through some of the battery boards and power management systems we created for the Arduino, BeagleBoard and Amber. The development of the 2nd generation BeagleJuice was inspired mostly by requests for a “standalone Amber backpack”.
Sort of…I took a little artistic license with the picture above! The Liquidware Amber power supply and BeagleJuice, 2nd Gen were both built with advanced power management principles in mind.
(Edit: I got a few questions about this - the BeagleJuice, 2nd Gen comes with the standard 5V barrel jack cable to charge any 5V device that fits the jack, like...
3 Portable Power Management Systems For Development and Prototyping
This post came about when we asked Keith about the difference between the battery setups we had, and whether it was possible to pull the Amber battery pack off, and use it for other things. [Cue flashback music…]
Lithium Backpack for Arduino
About 4 years ago, we started with the basics of power management: the Lithium Backpack. For that, it was mostly around form factor and simplicity, which was great since the Arduino has both analog and digital capabilities. If it let me take my Arduino project around, I was happy. A single-cell system, it had 4 pins - +5V, +3v3, GND, and Status....
5 Reasons to Use a Custom Android Tablet
There’s two sides to every coin. In the last post, I talked about instances where I usually recommend that people use an off-the-shelf tablet or smartphone device for their custom applications. The primary principle being keeping things simple, I recommend developing portable apps wherever possible, and avoiding potentially time and cost intensive hardware turns and development. But sometimes a custom (Android) tablet is required, and it’s worth knowing when to recognize these instances, and follow the path of least resistance.
It’s why the Liquidware Amber exists. We designed it for internal use, and use in engineering projects. It saved...
Antipasto Hardware Blog5 Reasons to Customize an iPad (or Samsung Galaxy, or any off-the-shelf Android tablet)
Since the Liquidware Amber officially launched back in May, I’ve gotten a few more questions about tablets, that usually go along the lines of:
“I’m building a special application for [my company]…can I just use an iPad/Galaxy/off-the-shelf tablet? Or should I use the Amber?”
As much as I could be self-serving in answering that question (mwahahaha!), the real answer is that it depends. The more targeted question to ask is:
“If I just build an Android or iOS app, without hardware accessories, does it get the job done?”
There’s a bit of a gray area, and a lot of instances...
Antipasto Hardware BlogHow to read Arduino sensors with Adobe AIR Flex on Android
Android now supports Adobe AIR / Flex apps. The main benefit to using Flex over Java is that it specifically facilitates rapid story boarding of mobile user experiences. Coding Adobe Flex is similar to the Visual Basic observer design pattern of push-based actions. Add a button, right click to edit the action.
I decided to show how one could access the serial port using the Amber Android handheld, Arduino, AMBI light sensor using Adobe Flex.
Arduino Code
Upload this simple sketch to the Arduino.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200);//setup a serial port with a baud of 115200
pinMode(18, OUTPUT);
Antipasto Hardware Blog
Posted at 2012-07-13 20:02:00 | Electronics | read on
Пять способов улучшить Raspberry Pi
Стремительно набирает популярность одноплатный компьютер Raspberri Pi. Стремясь сделать его как можно дешевле, разработчики выкинули все «лишнее» и максимально упростили конструкцию там, где это было возможно. С одной стороны, это вынуждает пользователя терпеть некоторые неудобства при работе с системой. Но с другой стороны, оставляет простор для творчества и усовершенствований.
Итак, вашему вниманию предлагается обзор пяти полезных модификаций для Raspberry Pi.
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[Перевод] О развязке питания с примерами
Когда я участвовал в проведении конкурса 7400, я понял, что многим из представленных логических схем для надежной работы не хватает простейших защитных элементов. Одним из самых часто встречающихся недостатков конструкции было отсутствие блокировочных емкостей. Позже, прочитав статью о законе Мёрфи, я решил немного написать о развязке и блокировочных конденсаторах.
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Распознавание речи на STM32F4-Discovery
В этой статье я хочу рассказать о том, как можно распознавать речь на микроконтроллере, используя отладочную плату STM32F4-Discovery. Поскольку распознавание речи — достаточно сложная задача даже для компьютера, то в данном случае оно проводится при помощи сервиса Google. Распознавание речи таким способом может пригодится в разных задачах, например в одном из устройств «умного дома».
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