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The universe does not remember itself. Each unique moment recreates itself layer upon layer from the causality of the previous, only to disappear forever for its next incarnation. What we accumulate, preserve, and process is nothing more (and no less) than residual entropy, a echo of past chaos. For what purpose? To ultimately extract from reality its most refined semblance? A polished and maximally thermodynamically efficient model?

But then what?

In this sense, it’s hardly interesting anymore – whether there was something before the Big Bang. What’s intriguing in a cyclic model is the possibility that relic gravity carries echoes of a previous reality. But what happens in a scalar field perturbation model? Imagination immediately paints vast “plantations” of boiling universes, each generating its own gestalt of reality, merging and dividing into myriad hyper-bubbles, each with its peculiar physics and fate. All of this converges into multitudinous tendrils of unimaginable beauty in symmetries.

Yes, what about the audience there… We ourselves are no more than shadows on this cloak, confined within our modest +-11 dimensional shell.

Maurits Cornelis Escher

The only thing I can vouch for is the presence of this irresistible force that, for some reason, has been dragging us for 13 billion years unceasingly into the stream of endless battle with chaos.

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